Community Update 62

Community Update 62


  • Sprint and Release
    • 2-week sprint ends March 11. Priorities: blockstore functionality, wallet and cost accounting implementation, and public testnet infrastructure
    • RNode v0.8.4 will release. It was blocked earlier this week by  RCHAIN-3073 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Kudos to the team for the dedication to resolve this bug! RNode-0.8.4 release plan
  • Mercury requirements and acceptance criteria
  • Testnet status
    • A public test net is not yet available and there is a plan to launch one the week of March 25. Please see RChain public testnet information to learn about the rollout plan for launching the public testnet as well as a FAQ
    • At this time there are no known blockers to the delivery of Testnet-1. 
  • Community testing
    • Tuesday's test cancelled due to critical bug.
    • There will be a testing session on Thursday, March 7 at 15:00 UTC. We plan to demo how the block store allows a node to restart and catch up with the support of the block store and demo block finalization. Worksheet and details will be posted in #node-testing on RChain discord.
    • Upcoming changes to start time for community testing related to US move to daylight savings time (DST) on March 10. Starting with the test planned for March 12 the start time will be 16:00 UTC. 

Block storage

  • Work complete to resolve  RCHAIN-3074 - Getting issue details... STATUS . We can now demonstrate killing and restarting a node that catches up to the state of the network with the support of the block store. Many thanks to the team for their focused work on this! Next steps are to harden this feature through internal and community testing efforts.


  • Work in progress to improve performance of the process to prevent replay attacks. There is an open PR and Kent led a walkthrough of the change earlier today. RCHAIN-3070 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Work in progress to remove the BlockStore from the Estimator. PR in review.  RCHAIN-3069 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Cost accounting

  • Work in progress to implement common cost accounting across different layers of the platform: reducer, spatial matcher, and RSpace match component. Work described in 

    key summary status resolution


  • Collaboration with SRE and Whiteblock teams to support efforts to report data from Whiteblock test infrastructure. 

Test infrastructure and performance testing

  • Testnet support: Work in progress to finish tooling to launch and monitor the testnet.

    key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

  • Testing in Whiteblock: Collaboration in progress to get data out of Whiteblock for analysis and to support operation of tests in Whiteblock to run in CI.
  • Performance testing: Work in progress to develop a contract that best supports measurement of COMM events/second and to establish a benchmark for performance. The goal for Mercury is 1,000-1,500 COMM events/second. 


  • Work in progress to deliver the wallet feature. Work described in 

    key summary status resolution

Developer website


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