Community Update 87

Community Update 87


  • Release
  • Sprint
    • Sprint 36 in progress 
      • Main focus on (a) genesis ceremony required signatures bug (b) long proposal times analysis and resolution (c) cost accounting specification and implementation (d) Specifying Casper tests independent of network layer (e) Increased testing
      • Testnet documentation and Roadmap updated to have Testnet 3 ready, followed by hardening, Security audits etc.  Testnet 4 will not be needed. Validator Slashing will be delivered in Testnet 3. Tests are currently being written to check system behavior under various scenarios of slashing.  For the mainnet, 'update platform software' will require a hard fork, per the decision in April Developer retreat.  RChain public testnet information
      • Analysis and planning for hardening and mainnet launch has started. Launch plan likely to have multiple iterations. This planning should help us identify the loose ends and answer related questions, while preparing for internal and 3rd party audits. Mainnet infrastructure planning is part of it, but it includes many more items.
      • Genesis vault creation ceremony - Making progress in investigating the 'required signatures issue'. One proposed solution is being reviewed. 
      • Cost accounting - progress in cost replayability (continuing work). Ticketed the remainder of tasks in system deploy and cost accounting. Looking at options to increase/optimize team assignment to tackle these tasks.
      • Progress in investigating long propose times: Completed First round of instrumentation/Dashboards to help investigate this as well as other cross-cutting issues in a faster way. Methodical behavior analysis is ongoing with varied number of validators and variety of contracts. 
      • Progress in replacing the old registry with Rholang based registry. Implementing replayability support in Peek is the current blocker. 
      • Increased testing by Dev team
        • Specification under review for tests needed to harden the network against the parameters identified as enablers for the 'incentivized testnet planning' tests.
        • Specifying Casper tests independent of network layer - ongoing
        • Enable parallel runs of long-running tests (where some problems/bugs show up only after building a large number of blocks) in addition to current integration tests - ongoing
      • Increased testing by community
        • Chinese community tested genesis ceremony last week and continues to test that and plans to test RHOC to REV conversion and transfer in the next few weeks
        • Community testing temporarily slowed down due while long proposal times are investigated. 
      • Optimizations and bug fixes - ongoing
      • Exploring technical options and planning for Rhoc to Rev conversion, wallets and third party readiness - ongoing

Mercury requirements and acceptance criteria

Blockers to testnet-2

  • See complete view in  RCHAIN-3168 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Risks to code completion for Mercury

  • Evaluating backlog vs current velocity 

Developer website


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