Community Update 113
Community Update 113
Rao Bhamidipati
Owned by Rao Bhamidipati
Apr 01, 2020
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- Release
- Node version 0.9.24 is the current release - second update post-mainnet - Housekeeping changes and meeting requirements of potential exchanges RNode-0.9.24 release plan
- Testnet is currently running rnode version 0.9.24
Mainnet is running RNode-0.9.23.
- Sprint 49 in progress
- Main Focus: hardening the mainnet, improve performance, make usability improvements.
- Release 0.9.24 details - mostly housekeeping changes and meeting API requirements of potential exchanges
- https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2911 Setting default value for CLI options is a bad idea, as they overwrite values set in config file. This PR removes those. We're moving towards having config files for each network versioned, to enable standardized and quick restarts.
- https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2910 Currerntly, during genesis ceremony Ceremony master repeatedly broadcasts candidate block to all known peers. Each of this block triggers new validation routine on peers, even if that block is already being validated. This PR introduces check for duplicate.
- https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2909 RCHAIN-4063 - Getting issue details... STATUS Make maxmessageSize in to a parameter instead of hard coded
- https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2907 Make reportingCasper work with Cost Accounting. Correct name is reportStateChange.
- Current Work In Progress / Backlog (partial)
- Configuration changes to make node deployments easier and cleaner - nutzipper to demo next week
- Improvements to last finalized state initial draft PR issued https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2913 but quite a bit of work involved still. The PR and the branch are structured so that multiple people can collaborate/ work on different parts of the feature at the same time.
- Improve merging in system deploys
- Improve Trimerge
- Improve multi-parent Casper enablement
- Implement sharding capabilities
- Improve logging to be able to learn what API calls are being used, so they can be related to resource use and performance etc
- Finish API changes / improvements requested by exchanges and CoinMarketCap. This is done but more exchanges want to come online. We are taking in their requirements and adding to backlog. Expect this to stabilize after we get the next few exchanges on board.
- Rholang 1.1 to improve syntax and user experience / learning curve
- Highlights of Changes included in RNode-0.9.23 release
- getBlocksByHeight is implemented in all APIs - blockAPI, web API, grpc API. Limits the depth of blocks requested to 50. https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2899 RCHAIN-4045 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Updated unbonding tests to include validator rewards https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2887
- Logs are made configurable and appendable https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2898 Details on how to use at https://github.com/rchain/rchain/wiki/Logging-Config docs Jira ticket RCHAIN-4044 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Improve message propagation https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2902 (a) Lower system load by discarding duplicate messages and (b) reduce GRPC message stream bloat by enabling parallelism (c) Put block into blockstore before block processing lock prompted by RCHAIN-3913 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Make arguments lazy in boolean higher kinded combinators RCHAIN-4052 - Getting issue details... STATUS https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2903
- Providing API changes / improvements requested by exchanges
- Updated all the networks to use SSL.
- Tech-Governance meetings on Thursdays 10 AM Eastern, 7 Am Pacific
Mercury requirements and acceptance criteria
- Details on the acceptance criteria: Mercury acceptance criteria
- Please see the documentation at https://github.com/rchain/rchain/blob/dev/docs/features.md.
- Testnet status
- Please see RChain public testnet information to learn more about public testnet as well as a FAQ.
- Tech Governance + Community testing
- March 19 at 14:00 UTC. Please see RChain community RNode testing for more information.
Blockers to Mainnet
Risks to code completion for Mercury
Developer website
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