RChain community RNode testing

RChain community RNode testing

Table of contents


Starting with the release on RNode v0.4.1, the core development team hosts weekly testing sessions. These testing sessions serve multiple purposes. First, they help RChain developers test the software and learn from user experience. Second, a key aspect of testing the platform is testing preformed on a network. And finally, end users need a way to ramp up on the software to be prepared to participate on the platform.

Who should participate?

RChain community RNode testing is an open event. If you match any of the personas below, please plan to join in!

  • I want to help test RNode and the platform leading up to the launch of testnet and mainnet.
  • I want to operate a node on the RChain platform.
  • I want to be a validator.
  • I want to build dApps that run on the RChain platform.
  • I want to learn more about RNode operation and use.

Prepare to participate

You need to prepare to participate in node testing. We jump right into the work! These testing sessions are intended to be hands-on. These are working sessions designed to test features and soundness of the software. Participants should plan to participate by operating a node and working together with the group to test different scenarios. Before the start of the testing session, please prepare to join the meeting and run RNode.

Prepare to join the meeting

We host these meetings with Zoom. If you are new to using Zoom, please see getting started with Zoom. The information for joining the meeting is below.

Prepare to run RNode

Configure your network

See RNode supported network configuration for information on how to configure your network to connect to other nodes.

Install and run RNode

For community testing we will either use software from dev, master, or a unique branch for that day's test. Information about the version of the software to be used will be published and announced in #node-testing as soon as possible prior to the testing event. See the worksheet for the testing session (see below) for details on what version of RNode we will use and where to find installation packages and a Docker image. Learn more about operating a node in User guide for running RNode

Connect to a bootstrap node

The bootstrap node used depends on the version of the software you use. For community testing we will either use dev, master, or a unique branch for that day's test. See RNode bootstrap addresses to get the address.

If you are a brand-new node operator, try standing up a node prior to joining your first testing session. While not a pre-requisite, it will help you know what questions to ask.

  • See the get started section of https://developer.rchain.coop
  • Try to get the latest version of RNode running.
  • If you run into trouble, ask for support in #node-testing on the RChain Discord

Because this is a testing session, we may use most currently released version of RNode or work on a version still in development. Look for updates in the RChain Discord for information on the next testing session, including what version of RNode will be used and where to find installation packages or the Docker image.

How to join a testing session

  • When - Thursdays at 14:00 UTC
  • Where - This meeting takes place online using Zoom
    • Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/4664998329
    • Or iPhone one-tap :
          US: +16465588656,,4664998329# or +17207072699,,4664998329# 
    • Or Telephone:
          Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
              US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 720 707 2699  
          Meeting ID: 466 499 8329
          International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/afcOMB9in
  • Additional communications are posted in #node-testing on the RChain Discord.

Testing session worksheets

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