20181004 RNode community testing

20181004 RNode community testing

Table of contents


This is a supplementary testing session to support testing validator bonding.

  • When - Thursday, October 4 at 14:00 UTC
  • Where - This meeting takes place online using Zoom
    • Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:  https://zoom.us/j/261325582
    • Or iPhone one-tap :
          US: +16468769923,,261325582# or +16699006833,,261325582#
    • Or Telephone:
          Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
              US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
          Meeting ID: 261 325 582
          International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/acxByNFCVq
  • Additional communications are posted in #node-testing on the RChain Discord.

What you can expect this week

This we we plan to test validator bonding, bug fixes, and new features. 

Bug fixes since last session

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

New features since last session

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Prepare to participate

Install RNode

We will not be working on the RChain test net. To participate in this session, please see instructions below.

Note If you used a previous version of RNode, please delete your existing .rnode directory. Most errors experienced using RNode relate to content in the directory from a previous version.

RNode version for this session

Updated Oct. 4 at 13:23 UTC - RChain Node 0.6.4 (a8ef56d0678c18adede05b735d603dd72fc1f8df)

Get the bootstrap address

Connect to the network via the RChain testing bootstrap node shown on RNode bootstrap addresses.

NOTE the format of the bootstrap address changed. The new format is in dev and will move to other supported bootstrap nodes over the next few weeks. Please see RNode bootstrap addresses for more information.

Select a validator key

Create your run command

Now that you have your bootstrap address and validator key, you can run RNode. If you need more information, please see User guide for running RNode for running instructions.

Check your version

You can now check your version of RNode via the gRPC server.

curl -s localhost:40403/version

New deploy command

With the merge of https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/1555, the deploy command for RNode changed. Now deploy commands need values for phlo-limit and phlo-price that are greater than 0.  A wallet address needs to be stubbed in as well k(--from)

rnode deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit <value> --phlo-price <value> <path to .rho file> 

After the deployment is successful users might see a message like CostAccount(__some_value__, Cost(__some_value__)) . The first __some_value__ represents number of steps it took to reduce/execute their code, second __some_value__ means how much it cost. I said "users might see" because it depends on how they execute programs. We will make the message more user-friendly in the near future.

Instructions for volunteers who will help test the validator bonding process 

  1. Install RNode as instructed above.
  2. Plan to use the public/private key set you claimed from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18merD3OzaDk7nmxQ78SUZBzWLbxA-aOnmcdxpXrp_U0/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Confirm you claimed: walletAddress, amount, walletPrivateKey, and walletPublicKey from the Google Sheet shared with you via email.
  4. Run the node with the arguments shown below
rnode generateBondingDeploys -a <amount> -b <validatorPublicKey> -e <walletAddress> -p <walletPublicKey> --private-key <walletPrivateKey>

After you have done this you should see 3 new rholang source files have been created. These files will be deployed by you as part of the bonding process. Additional instructions will be provided during the testing session.

Share your experience

You best support the improvement and development of the RChain platform when you file a bug to report challenge you faced or unsuccessful outcomes. This will help us collect all relevant information to better understand your setup and experience. 

Testing session summary

19 participants. Created a network. Troubleshooting work to address bonding issues. Found the bootstrap node did not have the correct wallets file.  When we fixed with correct wallets file, bonding was successful.

Bugs filed

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Chat log


(Kelly forgot to capture this list.)

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