20180626 RNode community testing

20180626 RNode community testing

Table of contents


Each week we invite community members to help test RNode.

  • When - Tuesdays at 14:00 UTC
  • Where - This meeting takes place online using Zoom
    • Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/134156866
    • Or iPhone one-tap :
          US: +16468769923,,134156866# or +16699006833,,134156866#
    • Or Telephone:
          Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
              US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
          Meeting ID: 134 156 866
          International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/rDfBtpt
  • Additional communications are posted in #node-testing on the RChaing Discord.

What you can expect this week

We will be testing aspects of the consensus protocol using RNode v0.4.2. Testers can expect to instantiate a node, connect to the network, find and connect to peers, and test functions of consensus. For these tests we will provide private keys and a text file to use during the session.


Ability to build and run RNode from this Docker image

docker pull rchain/rnode:latest

We do note have binaries to use for this testing session.

Download of the bonds.txt file. https://repo.pyr8.io/rnode-test-sessions/bonds.txt

Pick out a row with validator key pair. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18merD3OzaDk7nmxQ78SUZBzWLbxA-aOnmcdxpXrp_U0/edit#gid=0

Specify your node info if you want. You can wipe your information after testing.




Testing session summary

Action items

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