2018-11-07 Main Net Feature Requirements
Nov 7, 2018
@Ned Robinson@Lucius Meredith @Deanna Duke @Kelly Foster @Ovidiu Deac @Pawel Szulc (Unlicensed) @Adam Szkoda @ArturGajowy (Unlicensed) @Former user (Deleted) @Łukasz Gołębiewski (Unlicensed)
Discuss high level feature set (MVP) needed for Mercury launch (see below) - are there other high level features that need to be included?
Prioritize feature list (not so much implementation) and begin breakdown into product backlog items
Map the items in Greg’s timeline to MVP feature set for Mercury - if any on the timeline don’t map to the MVP, place in “parking lot” for future releases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_yOk4TcBV2k3Lk5Qp1DtGJwbURpuuPIYHP_dSk-PlB8/edit#gid=450491259
MVP Feature Set
Software installation (As a Node Operator, I want to install software from binary artifacts or a Docker image)
Software operation (As a Node Operator, I want to run software on Linux, MacOS, and in Docker)
Standalone mode (REPL and EVAL support) (As a dApp Developer, I want to interface with the Rholang interpreter and evaluate smart contracts independently from the blockchain)
Configuration (As a Node Operator, I want to have a default configuration and the ability to customize the configuration on the command line)
Monitoring (As a Node Operator, I want to monitor the performance, resource consumption, and status of my node)
Private key privacy (As a Node Operator, I do not want to expose my private wallet key on the command line)
Peer to Peer Network
Nodes connect to peers
As a Node operator, I want to be able to bootstrap to the network by connecting to any known node.
As a Node operator, once connected via a bootstrap node, I want to discover and connect to peers.
As a Node operator, I want to know how many peers I am connected to.
As a Node operator, I want to remember my peers so I can reconnect after a restart.
Nodes communicate via TLS (Transport Layer Security) for node discovery
Nodes communicate via Kademlia (secure or not?) for protocol handshake
Nodes broadcast messages
Nodes process blocks (needs clarification)
Proof of stake consensus
The platform uses a proof of stake consensus algorithm
Create a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to create a wallet so that I can store tokens in it)
Add tokens to a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to add tokens to my wallet so that I have available tokens to pay for goods/services)
Remove tokens from a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to remove tokens from my wallet so that I can pay for goods/services)
Expose purses inside a wallet
Destroy a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to destroy my wallet when I am done using it, so that I don’t have an empty wallet I don’t need) - not immutable
Purses (already done)
Create purse (As a user, I want to be able to create a purse so that I can send tokens to another user)
Put tokens in a purse (As a user, I want to be able to put tokens in a purse so that I can send it to another user)
Send purse (As a user, I want to be able to send a purse to another user so that I can pay for goods/services rendered)
Receive purse (As a user, I want to be able to receive a purse from another user so that I can receive tokens for goods/services rendered)
Remove tokens from a purse (As a user, I want to be able to remove tokens from a purse to put in my wallet so that I can get paid for goods/services rendered)
Document Object Capabilities approach
Destroy purse (As a user, I want to be able to destroy a purse once it has finished the end to end transaction from one user to another, so that I don’t lose track of my empty purses)
Rent / Storage (Rent is a nice to have)
Store transaction data (As a user, I want to be able to store transaction data on the blockchain so that it is available and accessible to users)
Pay rent on transaction data (As a user, I want to pay rent for my transaction data so that it stays available and accessible to users) [Nice to Have]
Store non-transaction data (As a user, I want to be able to store non-transaction data on the blockchain so that it is available and accessible to users)
Pay rent on non-transaction data (As a user, I want to pay rent for my non-transaction data so that it stays available and accessible to users)
Delete transaction/non-transaction data (As a user, I want to be able to delete my data from the blockchain so that no user has access to it any more)
Copy data (As a user, I want to be able to copy my data from the blockchain so that I don’t have to pay rent for it any more)
Rent Due (As a user, I want to be able to determine when rent is due on my stored data)
Offchain Storage (As a user, I want to securely store my heterogenous data off chain)
Garbage Collection
Bonding to the network (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to add my stake to the network and be recognized as a validator so I can participate in proof of stake consensus and be eligible to earn rewards (validating).)
Unbonding from the network (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to retrieve my stake from the network and no longer be recognized a as validator.)
Earning rewards (As a Node Validator, I want to earn rewards by validating blocks on the network)
Getting paid rewards (As a Node Validator, I want to get paid the rewards I’ve earned so that I can use the tokens I’ve earned)
Retrieving rewards (As a Node Validator, I want the rewards I’ve earned to go into my wallet so that I can use the tokens I’ve earned)
Slashing to the bone a staked validator (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to slash an operator who isn’t accurately validating, so that they are not able to continue false validations) - Cryptographic evidence of lying
Partial slash of stake from a staked validator on equivocation (As a System, I want to be able to remove the stake from a staked validator to prevent them from continuing validating)
Coop gets slash amount and held for a period of reconcilliation (TBD)
Validators are identifying the equivocation and evidence sent to the other validators
When the block is finalized (Casper consensus)
Unbond slashed validator from the network (As a System, I want to be able to remove/unbond a slashed validator from the network to prevent them from being on the network)
Validating transactions (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to validate transactions so that I can earn rewards)
Software updates (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to update my RChain software without getting slashed)
Eject Validators who don’t keep up
Only a validator can propose
API (Joshy, Dan and others working on this and mostly done)
Deploy (external)
Propose (internal)
Fetch list of blocks
Metrics (CPU, Memory, etc)
Smart Contracts
Rholang is the smart contract language of the RChain platform
Rholang evaluation happens in the node via the Rholang interpreter
Syntax errors (As a dApp developer, I want an error message when there are syntax errors)
Deploying contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want to be able to propose a contract to the network so that dApp Users can use my smart contract)
Updating/replacing contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want to be able to update or replace a contract on the network so that dApp Users are using the most recent contract)
Deleting/removing contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want to be able to delete or otherwise remove a contract so that dApp users can no longer use to the contract)
Nested contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want a smart contract to be able to call another smart contract so that I can take advantage of another contract’s functionality)
Contract Definition inside another contract - WIDE (Persisting contracts) - Nice to have (done?)
K-framework - formal verification
As a dApp developer who creates a smart contract that I would like to call multiple times, I register it in the registry and I want get back a URI in the deploy response as the end of the registration process.
Today getting the URI requires scraping from the log or listening for it on name. Possible because gRPC was listening for the call. Originally intended for debugging.
I want to pay Bob. I know his public key, but I don’t have the URI of his wallet.
IDEA wallet URI is based on public key
As a wallet application I need a way to recover my lost wallet
Could be solved if I can predict an unforgeable name
As a dApp developer, I need to be able to predict the unforgeable name.
I want to deploy a contract and pay for it. To do that I need to create a signature over an unforgeable name.
Kyle says this is possible.
IDEA is the solution to be able to generate unforgeable names offline?
As a dApp developer, I need documentation for how unforgeable names are generated
Current documentation not enough
NEED Venus redesign the wallet
CONCERN man in the middle attack - create an unforgeable name/URI offline and then deploy contract and start interacting with it, how do I know someone isn’t changing the facts in the middle or that someone else isn't interacting with the contract
As a dApp developer, I want to get Ethereum-style events and get stdout back in grpc response so that
I want to record a log of my CryptoKitties given a range of blockheights.
I want to listen on name given a certain depth
I want to monitor a contract without operating a node or making a call to a node. I want to subscribe to events via a gRPC response.
NEED subscription feature
gRPC level subscribe feature is available, it needs to be implemented in RChain
IDEA to refactor existing listen for data on name to serve this purpose since it’s pretty close do delivering the functionality
Current architecture requires you to have nodes that look at the state (not validating nodes).
Read only nodes do this at no cost to watch. Cost is to operate the node.
IDEA some sort of channel where everything I send on the channel would return the results and deploy response. A function call.
As a dApp developer, I want to support binary files as part of deployments
IDEA hex to bytes computation
CONCERN payment requirement for converting hex to bytes.
RSong does this
As a dApp developer, I need to enhance EVAL and rchain.cloud
Use case - we want to deploy a contract and get a return of the evaluation via 1 gRPC call
Storage content
STDOUT via gRPC call
STDOUT is for printing not a gRPC call
What the node evaluated (send back what was sent) - used for debugging
Discussion to confirm EVAL operates separately from Casper
Identity (RChain Europe?) (Application level, not platform)
Creating an identity (As a dApp user, I want to create an identity so that I can manage my wallet keys)
Recovering keys (As a user with a validated identity, I want to be able to use my identity so that I can recover my key)
Managing identity (As a user, I want to be able to manage who has access to my identity information so that I can keep my information priva