2018-11-07 Main Net Feature Requirements


Nov 7, 2018


  • @Ned Robinson@Lucius Meredith @Deanna Duke @Kelly Foster @Ovidiu Deac @Pawel Szulc (Unlicensed) @Adam Szkoda @ArturGajowy (Unlicensed) @Former user (Deleted) @Łukasz Gołębiewski (Unlicensed)


MVP Feature Set


  • Software installation (As a Node Operator, I want to install software from binary artifacts or a Docker image)

  • Software operation (As a Node Operator, I want to run software on Linux, MacOS, and in Docker)

  • Standalone mode (REPL and EVAL support) (As a dApp Developer, I want to interface with the Rholang interpreter and evaluate smart contracts independently from the blockchain)

  • Configuration (As a Node Operator, I want to have a default configuration and the ability to customize the configuration on the command line)

  • Monitoring (As a Node Operator, I want to monitor the performance, resource consumption, and status of my node)

  • Private key privacy (As a Node Operator, I do not want to expose my private wallet key on the command line)

Peer to Peer Network

  • Nodes connect to peers

    • As a Node operator, I want to be able to bootstrap to the network by connecting to any known node.

    • As a Node operator, once connected via a bootstrap node, I want to discover and connect to peers.

    • As a Node operator, I want to know how many peers I am connected to.

    • As a Node operator, I want to remember my peers so I can reconnect after a restart.

  • Nodes communicate via TLS (Transport Layer Security) for node discovery

  • Nodes communicate via Kademlia (secure or not?) for protocol handshake

  • Nodes broadcast messages

  • Nodes process blocks (needs clarification)

Proof of stake consensus

  • The platform uses a proof of stake consensus algorithm


  • Create a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to create a wallet so that I can store tokens in it)

  • Add tokens to a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to add tokens to my wallet so that I have available tokens to pay for goods/services)

  • Remove tokens from a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to remove tokens from my wallet so that I can pay for goods/services)

  • Expose purses inside a wallet

  • Destroy a wallet (As a user, I want to be able to destroy my wallet when I am done using it, so that I don’t have an empty wallet I don’t need) - not immutable

Purses (already done)

  • Create purse (As a user, I want to be able to create a purse so that I can send tokens to another user)

  • Put tokens in a purse (As a user, I want to be able to put tokens in a purse so that I can send it to another user)

  • Send purse (As a user, I want to be able to send a purse to another user so that I can pay for goods/services rendered)

  • Receive purse (As a user, I want to be able to receive a purse from another user so that I can receive tokens for goods/services rendered)

  • Remove tokens from a purse (As a user, I want to be able to remove tokens from a purse to put in my wallet so that I can get paid for goods/services rendered)

  • Document Object Capabilities approach

  • Destroy purse (As a user, I want to be able to destroy a purse once it has finished the end to end transaction from one user to another, so that I don’t lose track of my empty purses)

Rent / Storage (Rent is a nice to have)

  • Store transaction data (As a user, I want to be able to store transaction data on the blockchain so that it is available and accessible to users)

  • Pay rent on transaction data (As a user, I want to pay rent for my transaction data so that it stays available and accessible to users) [Nice to Have]

  • Store non-transaction data (As a user, I want to be able to store non-transaction data on the blockchain so that it is available and accessible to users)

  • Pay rent on non-transaction data (As a user, I want to pay rent for my non-transaction data so that it stays available and accessible to users)

  • Delete transaction/non-transaction data (As a user, I want to be able to delete my data from the blockchain so that no user has access to it any more)

  • Copy data (As a user, I want to be able to copy my data from the blockchain so that I don’t have to pay rent for it any more)

  • Rent Due (As a user, I want to be able to determine when rent is due on my stored data)

  • Offchain Storage (As a user, I want to securely store my heterogenous data off chain)

  • Garbage Collection


  • Bonding to the network (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to add my stake to the network and be recognized as a validator so I can participate in proof of stake consensus and be eligible to earn rewards (validating).)

  • Unbonding from the network (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to retrieve my stake from the network and no longer be recognized a as validator.)


  • Earning rewards (As a Node Validator, I want to earn rewards by validating blocks on the network)

  • Getting paid rewards (As a Node Validator, I want to get paid the rewards I’ve earned so that I can use the tokens I’ve earned)

  • Retrieving rewards (As a Node Validator, I want the rewards I’ve earned to go into my wallet so that I can use the tokens I’ve earned)


  • Slashing to the bone a staked validator (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to slash an operator who isn’t accurately validating, so that they are not able to continue false validations) - Cryptographic evidence of lying

  • Partial slash of stake from a staked validator on equivocation (As a System, I want to be able to remove the stake from a staked validator to prevent them from continuing validating)

  • Coop gets slash amount and held for a period of reconcilliation (TBD)

  • Validators are identifying the equivocation and evidence sent to the other validators

  • When the block is finalized (Casper consensus)

  • Unbond slashed validator from the network (As a System, I want to be able to remove/unbond a slashed validator from the network to prevent them from being on the network)

  • https://rchain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CORE/pages/edit/412024951?draftId=413335578&draftShareId=d783d292-bd37-4b5d-b2e4-87ab1d4f9478&



  • Validating transactions (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to validate transactions so that I can earn rewards)

  • Software updates (As a Node Validator, I want to be able to update my RChain software without getting slashed)

  • Eject Validators who don’t keep up

  • Only a validator can propose

API (Joshy, Dan and others working on this and mostly done)

  • Deploy (external)

  • Propose (internal)

  • Fetch list of blocks

  • Metrics (CPU, Memory, etc)

Smart Contracts

  • Rholang is the smart contract language of the RChain platform

  • Rholang evaluation happens in the node via the Rholang interpreter

  • Syntax errors (As a dApp developer, I want an error message when there are syntax errors)

  • Deploying contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want to be able to propose a contract to the network so that dApp Users can use my smart contract)

  • Updating/replacing contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want to be able to update or replace a contract on the network so that dApp Users are using the most recent contract)

  • Deleting/removing contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want to be able to delete or otherwise remove a contract so that dApp users can no longer use to the contract)

  • Nested contracts (As a dApp Developer, I want a smart contract to be able to call another smart contract so that I can take advantage of another contract’s functionality)

  • Contract Definition inside another contract - WIDE (Persisting contracts) - Nice to have (done?)

  • K-framework - formal verification

  • As a dApp developer who creates a smart contract that I would like to call multiple times, I register it in the registry and I want get back a URI in the deploy response as the end of the registration process.

    • Today getting the URI requires scraping from the log or listening for it on name. Possible because gRPC was listening for the call. Originally intended for debugging.

    • I want to pay Bob. I know his public key, but I don’t have the URI of his wallet.

    • IDEA wallet URI is based on public key

    • As a wallet application I need a way to recover my lost wallet

      • Could be solved if I can predict an unforgeable name

  • As a dApp developer, I need to be able to predict the unforgeable name.

    • I want to deploy a contract and pay for it. To do that I need to create a signature over an unforgeable name.

      • Kyle says this is possible.

      • IDEA is the solution to be able to generate unforgeable names offline?

  • As a dApp developer, I need documentation for how unforgeable names are generated

    • Current documentation not enough

    • NEED Venus redesign the wallet

    • CONCERN man in the middle attack - create an unforgeable name/URI offline and then deploy contract and start interacting with it, how do I know someone isn’t changing the facts in the middle or that someone else isn't interacting with the contract

  • As a dApp developer, I want to get Ethereum-style events and get stdout back in grpc response so that

    • I want to record a log of my CryptoKitties given a range of blockheights.

    • I want to listen on name given a certain depth

    • I want to monitor a contract without operating a node or making a call to a node. I want to subscribe to events via a gRPC response.

      • NEED subscription feature

        • gRPC level subscribe feature is available, it needs to be implemented in RChain

        • IDEA to refactor existing listen for data on name to serve this purpose since it’s pretty close do delivering the functionality

    • Current architecture requires you to have nodes that look at the state (not validating nodes).

      • Read only nodes do this at no cost to watch. Cost is to operate the node.

    • IDEA some sort of channel where everything I send on the channel would return the results and deploy response. A function call.

  • As a dApp developer, I want to support binary files as part of deployments

    • CORE-1177

    • IDEA hex to bytes computation

      • CONCERN payment requirement for converting hex to bytes.

        • RSong does this

  • As a dApp developer, I need to enhance EVAL and rchain.cloud

    • Use case - we want to deploy a contract and get a return of the evaluation via 1 gRPC call

    • Needs

      • Storage content

      • STDOUT via gRPC call

        • STDOUT is for printing not a gRPC call

      • What the node evaluated (send back what was sent) - used for debugging

    • Discussion to confirm EVAL operates separately from Casper

Identity (RChain Europe?) (Application level, not platform)

  • Creating an identity (As a dApp user, I want to create an identity so that I can manage my wallet keys)

  • Recovering keys (As a user with a validated identity, I want to be able to use my identity so that I can recover my key)

  • Managing identity (As a user, I want to be able to manage who has access to my identity information so that I can keep my information priva