2018-08-20 RCon3 Demos Meeting notes

2018-08-20 RCon3 Demos Meeting notes




  • Inform the dev leads of what demos we will be giving & what the demos look like.
  • Determine the 'demo task force' for RCon3
  • Determine the cadence of standups for the task force leading up to the conference

Discussion items

30 minutesReview the Performance Demo
  • Reference: (deprecated) Measurement of RChain Network Performance
  • CORE-937 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Contract dupe(5) is okay.  We need to fine tune the memory size of the containers. 
  • Measuring deploys → we should measure it internally.  Ethereum users will be interested in the number of deploys.
    •  After a successful deploy, the user won't get results back until the block is proposed.  Once the block is proposed, the user will see their transaction within a block.
    • This is a measure of transaction latency
      • We need to manage stakeholder expectations around the issue of latency and finalization
    • DECISION - not to include in the deploy demo for test net, and be able to speak to when the question comes up at the conference
  • Contract deployments (#3 on (deprecated) Measurement of RChain Network Performance)
    • Description of the process: 
      • Deploy a set of contracts with names, so that they can be called in a subsequent deploy. 
      • Obtain the address for each contract deployed on the blockchain. 
      • Then run a series of transactions that reference the name of that contract.
    • Discussion
      • Is this the same as #1 on (deprecated) Measurement of RChain Network Performance?
        • Not really although they could be done in the same demo (Mike)
        • Still worth testing separately (Mike and Michael B)
          • Although the performance numbers should be identical (Michael B)
          • It's the overhead in looking up the contract should be nil, but there may be ms difference (Mike)
        • NEEDED the contract for this test so the test is something that is distinct from #4
      • IDEA 
  • Demo script (and cast)
    • Walkthrough of the performance test harness (Łukasz and Dom)
      • Goals
        • Show a high number of comm event using dupe
      Walkthrough of what Grafana shows (Łukasz and Dom)
  • Steps in the Demo:Demo #3 and 4 - contract deployments and token transactions (Michael Birch and Medha)
    • Set up the demo
    • Execute the performance testGoals
    • Review the results
    • Describe the contracts we ran & the tooling
    • Q & A
20 minutesReview the Immersion DemoKayvan Kazeminejad
  • Didn't get to view the demo
10 minutesMeeting cadence & participantsEveryone

Team meets daily.  9:30 am PDT.  Dry runs scheduled for Wednesday and Monday

Action items

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