Meeting notes

Meeting notes

Incomplete tasks from meetings

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Pawel Szulc (Unlicensed) Write down your suggestion regarding the appropriate places to use serialization and the protobuf library. Seems that its usefulness is limited to smaller payloads. This decision impacts many other team members so we must get consensus and agreement. Starts with a proposal. Due: so that we can begin the work in the next sprint.
19 Oct 2018Pawel Szulc (Unlicensed)2018-10-17 CORE standup Meeting notes
  • Kelly Foster confirm where we landed with peek and merge in priority list
Kelly Foster2019-06-04 Meeting notes: Sprint 31 planning
  • Kelly Foster TICKET shift to REVAddress instead of public key in the future
Kelly Foster2019-05-14 Meeting notes: Validator incentives
  • Kelly Foster TICKET shift to commit reveal scheme to support randomness for validator incentives for the future
Kelly Foster2019-05-14 Meeting notes: Validator incentives
Former user (Deleted)2019-05-14 Meeting notes: Validator incentives
Kayvan Kazeminejad2019-05-09 Meeting notes: Consensus planning
Dominik Zajkowski2019-05-09 Meeting notes: Consensus planning
Artur Gajowy2019-05-09 Meeting notes: Discuss ListenAtName
Adam Szkoda2019-05-07 Meeting notes: hardening requirements
Kayvan Kazeminejad2019-05-09 Meeting notes: RSpace planning

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