Bounties for Development work

Bounties for Development work

Developers are invited to contribute to building the RChain platfom.

What kind of skills do I need?

At this point the entire development focus is on the core platform. The VM, storage, and networking layers are all written in Scala. There will eventually be code for Casper, the REV wallet, and a few other things in Rholang. If you’re a seasoned developer with Scala skills we need you! Down the road more and varied skills will be needed. Programmers versed in other languages, web developers, designers, Javascript experts, system administrators, beta testers, and quality assurance people will be in demand.

Can I do this full-time?

If you'd like to work full-time on the project, please contact Bill Swan.

What are the practices and standards for contributing to the project?

Before you claim issues for bounty, please read carefully the standards and expectations for all RChain developers.

It is expected that contributors read the documentation and source code associated with the work.  Contributors need to be development entrepreneurs, and will take responsibility for onboarding themselves on to the project.  

How is the bounty value of issues determined?

The bounty for each ticket is designated in terms of story points.  This is an estimate of effort.  As with all estimates, it is an approximation of the amount of effort required.  If you find that an estimate is dramatically inaccurate, please escalate the matter to Kelly Foster.

Development work available for bounty

Below are the issues that are out for bounty.  

If you wish to accept a ticket with a bounty, please register for an Atlassian account and assign the issue to yourself.   This way, it is clear that someone is working on an issue.

key summary status story points assignee

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