Demo Standups Notes

Demo Standups Notes

Tickets we will track:

Network Launch -  RHOL-414 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Performance:  CORE-659 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Demonstrate Performance of the Network:  CORE-659 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Immersion Demo - No ticket.

Tuesday 08/21/18

Network Launch -  RHOL-414 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Michael & Mateusz have identified the source of the error, will capture details in RHOL-485 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Performance:  CORE-659 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Mike is meeting with folks on  CORE-1033 - Getting issue details... STATUS  this afternoon.  Medha will take notes and action items
  • Medha to Invite Tomas to standups for status on Java tuning & production engineering for a status

Demonstrate Performance of the Network:  CORE-659 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Dominik: Working to set up Grafana on a public IP and connect to external IPS -  CORE-1037 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Immersion Demo

  • Kayvan needs to know how to interact with the contracts on the blockchain.  Mike to walk him through it.
  • Alex will cut a PR for the Client API today or tomorrow morning.

Dry run demos tomorrow as scheduled. 

Wednesday 08/22/18

Network Launch -  RHOL-414 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Found the issue, ran a test  RHOL-485 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • PR cut for the RSpace issue (Clear issue)
  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Kelly Foster: For a Friday demo of the launch, Michael would like to have a script for the presentation aspects of the demo.

Performance:  CORE-659 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Demonstrate Performance of the Network:  CORE-659 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Dominik: Working to set up Grafana on a public IP and connect to external IPS -  CORE-1037 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Immersion Demo

  • Kayvan needs to know how to interact with the contracts on the blockchain.  Mike to walk him through it.
    • In his integration test, he deploys the immersion contract.  He turns around and performs a propose, and the propose fails.  However if he waits, it succeeds.  He will reach out to Medha to reproduce.
  • Alex is testing the client api's locally.  
  • His plan is to work on the user data, understand how the gRPC API works. 
    • Couple of days for the demo.  Friday morning for an internal demo.

Open Action Items:

  • Michael Birch (Unlicensed): gist from(deprecated) Measurement of RChain Network Performance needs to be revised.
    • Once updated, need the output integrated into the performance harness.
  • Stable performance - Dupe(5) contract - updates to the scheduler (CORE-1033) will address.
  • What is the hardware configuration we need to recommend?  Do we need people focusing on this?
    • We know we need at least 4 GB of memory
    • How many CPU's?
    • Approach - What does it take for a node to hit 1K COMM / second? We send a dupe(3) out 1X /second.  Have versions of dupe(3) that write on different channels.  - The above is in progress by Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
      • Create a version of dupe that makes a new name.  RHOL-645 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • How are validators deciding when to propose? Gatling is also making a propose. 
      • We will need to determine what the interval of propose will be & block size (as a result).  We can tune the number of proposes per deploy.

Thursday 08/23/18

Network Launch

  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Kelly Foster: For a Friday demo of the launch, Michael would like to have a script for the presentation aspects of the demo.  Kelly is booking time on the calendar for today.
  • Completed a community test against dev of the Genesis launch - received the requisite number of signatures, despite having more peers.  Several folks hit a comms issue, which has been filed.  
  • Discovered a stack overflow error when including the full 8K records for the genesis block - ticket filed.
  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed) - working to move RHOC to a paper wallet to test the Rev issuance.


  • Filed an issue:  RHOL-650 - Getting issue details... STATUS   Dominik Zajkowski is investigating.  
    • When a block is added to the CASPER state, all blocks have to go through the replay the state.  There is an optimization possible where a node that proposed the block will not replay the block.  
  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Need to script the demo.
  • Dominik Zajkowski: Update on CORE-1033 - have a version in dev in a branch.  The default build is using LMDB.  They are testing.  Switching to mixed mode is a build switch.
    • If we are fine with the tradeoffs, we can commit a change that will make mixed mode the default mode.  No changes needed to the build process.

Immersion Demo:

  • Kayvan Kazeminejad: In his integration test, he deploys the immersion contract.  He turns around and performs a propose, and the propose fails.  However if he waits, it succeeds.  He will reach out to Medha to reproduce.
    • Demo tomorrow that shows how he will store and fetch some data from the blockchain.
  • Need a script for the demo.  
  • Client API's -  Alex is testing locally.  Medha to get an update.

Friday 08/24/18

Network Launch

  • Ticket to modify the wallet to accept the public key  RHOL-661 - Getting issue details... STATUS   - assigned to Michael Stay (Unlicensed) - needs to be done by Monday.
  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Recover public key for her ETH wallet.
    • Team discussed what needs to be done in order to support the Rev issuance, option to 'just do the same thing that Ethereum does, and offer the Rev issued via a ledger, where the withdrawal returns a purse.
  • Stack overflow error when including the full 8K records for the genesis block - ticket filed.   RHOL-652 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Schedule a test for Monday with Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed) to test the issuance.


  • CORE-1062 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - there was an issue with the Grafana dashboard, Replay looks better, Medha to verify.  
  • Observed that Replay is still slower.  Filed issue:  CORE-1064 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Found a new issue - Kent is working on it as a high priority:  RHOL-653 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Plan to test how a node handles receiving an invalid block, it should ignore it and continuing processing.
  • Łukasz Gołębiewski (Unlicensed): Update on CORE-1033 - have a version in dev in a branch.  The default build is using LMDB.  They are testing.  Switching to mixed mode is a build switch.
    • Discovered that the mixed mode didn't deliver the boost on performance that was hoped.  Turns out that threads are blocked on a sync var.  
    • Plan B - Fine grained transactions in the in-memory store
    • Refactor the in memory store and use cats mvar with green threads.
  • Łukasz Gołębiewski (Unlicensed): Showed the grafana dashboard for a bare metal test. 

Immersion Demo:

Kayvan Kazeminejad: My demo is not ready yet. to use the GRPC Rholang implicits form the Rchain.model, i need to reference that project wich brought in a new cats.effect library that is incompatable with http4s. 
the issue is resolved now and I also opened a gira issue with http4s. today i've been working with Kent to complete the GRPC stuff contract updats/retrieval completed.

Tuesday 08/28/18

Network Launch

  • Ticket to modify the wallet to accept the public key  RHOL-661 - Getting issue details... STATUS   - assigned to Michael Stay (Unlicensed) - needs to be done by Monday.
  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Recover public key for her ETH wallet.
    • Worked with Michael to attempt to recover key - will test his solution today.
    • We can recover the public key from the private key.  We may need to add new Rholang features in order to make this work seamlessly. 
      • Need to consider where the wallets end up → Depends on the name registry. → we are fine for the issuance.  
      • Need to consider how the wallets are used in the end.   Wallets will be unlocked by providing the public key. → we don't need this for the demo.
      • The public key method in our crypto library has an extra byte in it.  
  • Stack overflow error when including the full 8K records for the genesis block - ticket filed.   RHOL-652 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Fixed
  • Schedule a test for Tuesday with Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed) to test the issuance. - 


  • CORE-1062 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - there was an issue with the Grafana dashboard, Replay looks better, Medha to verify.  
  • Observed that Replay is still slower.  Filed issue:  CORE-1064 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Found a new issue - Kent is working on it as a high priority:  RHOL-653 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Plan to test how a node handles receiving an invalid block, it should ignore it and continuing processing.
  • Issues affecting performance found in Aug. 28 node testing
  • key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): testing Kent's latest PR - Observing Bonds cache errors & Neglected invalid block - ticket filed 
  • Discovered an issue with wide contract in interpreter.  
  • Michael Stay (Unlicensed): testing contracts in the repl & checking performance
    • wide in the repl is about 1.5X slower in the node - 2K COMM events / 6 second.
    • same contract took 5 seconds in CLI
  • Dominik Zajkowski: Why does wide(5000) not fit into 16 GB of memory? See if we can engage with Mateusz Gorski (Unlicensed) to run the contract on the interpeter + node to see what is going on.
    • See if we can engage 

Immersion Demo

  • Kayvan is running a bit behind - he was having a hard time getting data out of  the gRPC call.  Storing song data is working. Focus is on retrieving data from the blockchain.
    • Dan Connoley has completed the Rholang contract.  He has removed then number of plays from the Rholang contract.
    • There is an immersion contract, and there is a part where upon providing a userid, he gets a play count.  Kayvan needs to point to a contract that Dan Connolly has authored.
    • Michael Stay (Unlicensed) to look at the code to observe what is going on and get Kayvan unblocked.
    • Able to store song data.  Focusing on the retrieval
    • The contracts are in /src/main/resources/rho

Performance - Demo 

  • Mike to provide an updated wide loop contract.
  • Will run dupe against stress-docker
    • Have a network ready to do this
  • Will run wide against stress-docker
    • Have a network ready to do this, with the contract set up.
  • Will run token transfer contract against test net
  • Will speak to our roadmap for performance
    • No silver bullet for performance.  It's a lot of little fixes.
    • Created a performance harness, will become part of our test criteria. 
    • Re-engineer appends in RSpace -   Issue is reading something out of the DB, checking for a match, and then putting it back.  
      • to append, requires that a blob needs to be deserialized, checked for a match and then appended to (no match for a produce)
    • Customize write locks for channels that are disjoint.
    • Examine the performance of the matcher.
    • Examine the performance of block storage.  
    • Examine the performance of cryptographic functions.
    • Optimize how we store blocks in Casper, presently there is a good amount of duplicated data
    • Optimize replay (proposing node also replays the block, which is not necessary)
    • Optimize how we pass blocks around then network
    • Optimize read /write locks and threading in transaction handling code.
    • Implement peek in Rholang + RSpace 
  • Will speak to how long we have been performance testing
    • When we are feature complete
    • What we have built.
  • Question about the token transfer contract code - per Michael Stay (Unlicensed) the code appears correct, not sure what the 0, 11 represent.
  • Run the token transfer contract and see how the system performs.
  • Run with Kent's PR to observe the Neglected invalid block + bonds cache issue

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