Script for Performance Demo

Script for Performance Demo


This document describes the order of events planned for the performance demo at RCon3.


Master of ceremonyMedha Parlikar
Pyrofex CTOMike Stay

RChain COOP board member

Kenny Rowe
Core team developers

Michael Birch

Łukasz Gołębiewski (Unlicensed)

Dominik Zajkowski

Test net genesis validators

Fangwei He
Dror Dayan
Steven Bezzio
Tomislav Grospić
Navneet Suman
Lee Carter
Jacob Gadikian
Victor Chkalikoff
Nuno Lopes
Dubravko Golub
Joshy Orndorff
Nicholas Bascombe-Fox
Jacob Bassiri-Tehrani
Ted Barkov
gregg dourgarian
Helge Qvam
Mark Pui
Will Qiu
Matthew Kaye
Jake Gillberg
Tracey Simmons
Deng YuMing
Karen Moskowitz
Qinwen Zheng
Vadim Trifonov
Ojimadu Chidindu
Will Qiu
Charles Holtzkampf
Pavitra Saxena
Dashboard operatorKelly Foster

Techical considerations

Use a Zoom session to toggle between screen shares (slides, terminals, and dashboard).


Act I - Prelude

Duration - 5 minutes

The main ballroom of the Berlin Conference center.

Main screen to support display of slides, terminal windows, and the performance metrics dashboard.

MC at the podium.

Test net launchers at tables at the front of the room facing the audience.

Core dev team is in the front of the room

MC: Goals - Describe the performance test. 

  • Welcome
  • High-level overview of the activities of the session (slide) 
  • Intro of the cast (round robin)
  • Describe the test net network  - Yesterday we launched the test net, and we have N validators in the network, etc...

Act II - Teach

Duration - 15 minutes

Same setting

Medha Parlikar Goals - Set expectations around performance metrics. 

  • Overview of what we will discuss
  • Describe what a COMM event is, what is the difference between a transaction and a COMM event. 
  • Talk about the differences between latency, throughput, time to finalization, how the proof of Stake consensus protocol has this concept of 'safety'
  • Talk about the stages that a transaction goes through - Deployment, Proposal, Validation, 'Finalization'
  • Talk about the tests we will run.
  • Talk about the performance harness we built, where it is in Github, etc..

Act III - Test initiation - Demonstrate COMM events

Duration - 5 minutes

Same setting

MC: kick off the test

  • Watch the commencement of the test.
  • Watch the genesis of the block on the bootstrap node (terminal)
  • Watch the start up of a validator node (terminal)
  • Watch the receipt of the block from the bootstrap node (terminal)
  • Show dashboard for timer and count of validating signatures

Act IV - Interlude

Duration - 15 minutes

Same setting

REV issuance SME: Goal teach REV issuance (focus on what RHOC holders should do and should expect)

Act V - Conclusion

Duration - 15 minutes

Same setting

MC: Goal - confirm the launch of test net, here's how to join, solicit feedback on changes for main net launch

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