Agenda: RChain test net launch rehearsal

Agenda: RChain test net launch rehearsal


The RChain test net launch community, consisting of members of the RChain core development team and RChain Cooperative members, will meet for workshop sessions on Sept. 3 and 4 to prepare for the launch of the RChain test net on Sept. 5. Below is the agenda for the workshop sessions. It is possible the order of agenda items will change. The start and finish times for both days will not change.


bcc Berlin Congress Center GmbH
Alexanderstraße 11
10178 Berlin (Germany)

Room A03

Monday, September 3

TimeAgenda item

Welcome and introductions

10:00Walk through of the launch script
10:45Setup: confirmation of software version and establishment of a network
12:00Lunch provided
13:00Launch rehearsal
15:00Performance test rehearsal
17:00End of day

Tuesday, September 4

TimeAgenda item
09:30Launch rehearsal
12:00Lunch provided
13:00Performance test rehearsal
17:00End of day

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