Core Sprint 10 Retrospective
Core Sprint 10 Retrospective
What did we do well?
- Kelly Foster: excellent collaboration in RSpace & Node teams. Teams were able to get together physically!
- Henry Till: Got execution traces done & Deterministic RSpace done! Collaboration with Rholang team was great. Has had great efficient exchanges with Kent, Kyle and Michael.
- Kelly Foster: thanks everyone for juggling life, kids and work and being available.
- Kelly Foster: We have a working CI solution. Integration tests are running.
- Dominik Zajkowski: Great, collaborative debugging session!
What should we have done better?
- Kelly Foster: Some frustration around concise decision making from stakeholders, ex: secp issues.
- Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Need to tighten up decisions and get clarity on actionable requirements.
- Pawel Szulc (Unlicensed) / Dominik Zajkowski: We should have a test net in place and use that as our base and deploy to this infrastructure.
- Henry Till: Understand the need for a test net, but we won't have all the infrastructure overnight. In the interim, we can use Digital Ocean (per Jeremy Busk) - we will need to spin up testing on cloud providers in the meantime.
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