Core Sprint 8 Retrospective
Core Sprint 8 Retrospective
What did we do well?
- Chris Kirkwood-Watts: Getting people talking about what we actually need to build, and do some planning around Releases.
- Chris Kirkwood-Watts: Lots of good work on the C++ Rosette, we are learning a lot from that work about the VM
- Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Yaraslau got his PR's in! He has learned Scala, and he has learned a lot about how to code in Scala.
- Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Lots of people interested in testing the Node release.
What should we have done better?
- Yaraslau Levashkevich: Challenges committing the incremental PR's because there are dependencies across the 2 PR's that he had. He feedback from reviewers that would have been addressed if they had the full picture. His solution is create another large PR?
- Solution is to create a large comment at the start of each function. Chris Kirkwood-Watts agrees that this is a tough issue.
- Chris Kirkwood-Watts: wants to do more planning earlier on. Project planning meeting from last week was excellent in helping him sort out his plan.