Project Planning May 16, 2018

Project Planning May 16, 2018




  • Address multi-threading issue with the group as it impacts implementation for everyone
  • Address question about compiling down to Roscala op-codes from Rholang
  • Request feedback from team leads for placement of Łukasz

Discussion items


Sprint CadenceKelly Foster
  • Sprint 9 is 4 weeks.  Keep up the pace! 


Michael Stay (Unlicensed)Timm Schäuble

Henry Till

Kyle Butt

  • Rosette VM is not multi-threaded. Threads that are running need to keep track of a shared parent context and then write the result into the shared memory. The decision to move forward with the mutable style will make this straightforward. 
  • Optimizing Rholang to support this would be a deliverable in Venus.
  • When compiling from Rosette to Rholang they need to work through the tuplespace independently.
  • At the moment RSpace logs the entire tuplespace. 
    • This could create a performance issue 
    • Is it possible to log individual rows of the tuplespace and not the whole thing?
  • What's the story of the threading on the Rholang interpreter, and how does this fit in?
  • To support multi-threading there will need to be architectural changes to RSpace. This would not touch history and rollback. It would impact checkpointing.
  • Next steps
    • Will need to do performance testing to prove we can achieve required scale with a single writer. (task - test performance of a single writer)
      • Hinges on completion of produce and consume in RSpace and completion of metrics in Node
    • Kelly Foster schedule this testing as part of Node v0.5 release plan

Question about compiling down to Roscala op-codes from Rholang
  • Kyle to review the /wiki/spaces/ROS/pages/437223478
  • There is a requirement for the ability to compile down to Roscala op-codes from Rholang (VM requirement)
    • Kyle cannot start work to test this until Roscala is complete
    • Roscala is not set to be complete until Sept.
    • This means this the ability of the VM to compile down to Roscala op-cose from Rholang is not likely to be delivered with Mercury.
  • It is possible Kyle may be able to start work on primitives in Aug. to support 

Action items

  •  Michael Stay (Unlicensed) talk with Greg about the timing on delivering on compilation down to Roscala op-codes from Rholang.
  •  Kelly Foster create an issue for sprint 10 for test performance of a single writer

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