Meeting notes

Meeting notes

Incomplete tasks from meetings

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • DECISION: The performance suite will be checked in under the RChain Organization in GitHub, but in a separate Repository from the rchain repo.
2018-08-14 Testing Strategies Meeting notes
  • DECISION: We will implement pytest & add new tests to it.
2018-08-14 Testing Strategies Meeting notes
  • DECISION: We will NOT implement another client for tests that focus on correctness.  We will use the Java gRPC client.
2018-08-14 Testing Strategies Meeting notes
Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)2017-08-25 Project Structure

All meeting notes

2018-08-14 Testing Strategies Meeting notesMedha ParlikarAug 17, 2018
2017-09-05 Sprint 1 EntryMedha ParlikarSept 05, 2017
2017-08-25 Project StructureMedha ParlikarAug 25, 2017

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