Strategies for improving integration testing

Strategies for improving integration testing

Stakeholderscore development team
Due date


Many members of the development team report frustration with the workflow experience related to integration testing. 

We've had two workflows for integration testing to date:

Pros and cons shown below are gleaned from discord and other conversations. They are likely incomplete. You are welcome to add to the list. Please don't remove anything. If you disagree, please add a comment.

Old systemCurrent system
  • Ran on Travis along with unit test suite
  • Integration tests ran on every commit 
  • Merges blocked until integration test passed
  • Pass/fail notifications on GitHub
  • Fail notifications sent to rchain-makers (email)
  • Runs on GitLab
  • Integration tests run with every merge
  • Does not block merges
  • Pass/fail notifications on GitLab
  • Fail messages sent to rchain-makers (email)
  • Merges blocked assured all merged PRs passed integration tests prior to merge
  • Clear messaging in GitLab of pass/fail (green checks, red x's)
  • Separating integration tests and unit tests reduces runtime in Travis
  • Travis could not run integration tests quickly (improved with paid trial)
  • Waiting to merge was time-consuming
  • It's likely not scalable to run integration tests like this as the project grows because integration test suite will grow 
  • This system allows the merge to dev before integration tests complete (risk of merging breaking code)
  • Waiting for integration tests to complete is time-consuming
  • Fail messages sent to email are noisy and ignorable


Please add your thoughts, experiences, and recommendations to this section. Select edit to add content.

Some content pulled from discussion in discord and notes from the RSpace/RNode standup on July 13.

Your thoughts and experiences

Your nameYour thoughts and experiences
Michael Stay (Unlicensed)

Current system assumes devs watch to see if PR breaks 

Point of not requiring integration tests before merge was to preserve sanity

I don't support the requirement that integration tests be run locally prior to commit. This requirement only makes sense if the testing can be automated.

  • the approach of having integration test being a merge blocker doesn't scale 
    • The integration test suite will grow
    • Unclear if we could even get to Mercury with this approach

It is not necessary to run integration tests before submitting; that's the whole point of making automated integration tests run after submission time. It IS your responsibility to make sure that your PR doesn't break the integration tests. If you choose to run them locally or choose only to merge PRs in the morning, you're less likely to have trouble. It's not OK to merge a PR late in the day and disappear for the weekend. At the moment, the project is small enough that it's possible to run integration tests before submission. Jeremy has indicated that with a few days free, he could make it so that integration tests run only after a PR has been approved, so early changes won't trigger a CI run. However, once testnet launches, we'll have test, staging, and production servers running this software live; eventually we'll have integration with other services like exchanges or cryptofex tools, and so on. It will rapidly become impossible to run all integration tests before submitting, so we have to start building up behaviors, processes, and protocols for dealing with the fact that unit tests will be the only way to detect errors before merging a PR.

Henry TillSeems like some issues that came up this week could have been prevented with better local tests
Henry Till
  • There is pain when integration fails happen after the fact
    • hard to know fail has happened
    • blame and shame is not desired

Michael Stay (Unlicensed)An on-call system for monitoring CI/CD (shared by the dev team) is not desirable. Although, it may be coming in the future.
Kelly Foster

It's unclear that moving from the old system to current system that we've realized any practical time-savings

It does appear that the current system is more frustrating (noisy, triage, emergency)

Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)

I"m really happy that the integration tests are doing their job! it's GREAT

I would prefer that folks run the integration tests locally for large changes.

Poll run in discord on July 9 by Michael Stay (Unlicensed)

I know. But they run after the merge instead of before. That's a privilege, since it makes it easier to update a PR under development and get a PR merged that's the basis of more work. That privilege comes with the responsibility of responding quickly when the PR breaks the build.
Our current status happened because there were two things that broke the build. #1 happened last Friday, #2 happened some time after that but before #1 was fixed. So now all we know is that it's still broken and that it was one of the changes since Friday.(edited)
If nobody's taking responsibility for monitoring that their changes didn't break something, then we can go back to running integration tests on Travis.

Recommendations for changes

Your nameChange recommendation+/- (feedback from others)
Michael Stay (Unlicensed) and Henry Till

Add better and shorter unit tests (like a phase 1 of unit tests). 

Improve unit test suite

Jeremy BuskDevs can run integration tests locally for large commits 
Henry TillPreference for using the old system (merges blocked until integration tests pass)
  • 3-4 days of work required to implement with the current travis/GItL approach (Jeremy)
Jeremy BuskTrigger integration tests after a PR has been reviewed and approved, rather than current system at time of merge. Estimates 3-4 days of work to implement.
Łukasz Gołębiewski (Unlicensed)One side note regarding integration tests - scaling is an option, but for a price https://circleci.com/pricing/
Sebastian BachIf we continue with expectation to run integration tests locally, need a workshop on how to do this

Action items


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