Community Update 48


  • Shifting resources to create better coverage with integration tests. Goal to fully understand and look to fix causes of instability observed in the platform.
  • Continuing conversations to align on the Mercury MVP requirements. 

Rholang team:

  • Nearing completion of work to proof against StackOverflowErrors related to deeply nested AST.
  • Continuing refactoring work to improve stability. There was a mixture of F and Task produces, and unsafeRunSync and Task.delay. Refactoring business logic to use a generic F and limit use of Task to boundary classes. 
  •  Work in progress to update tests related to the new DAG API.

Casper team 

  • Working on improving test suite of Casper features.
  • Investigation complete on status of cost accounting work and a plan in place for next steps to restart this work.

Node team 

  • Investigation and resolution of bugs is a priority this week. Working with Casper and SRE teams to support.
  • Work in progress to improve metrics provided by RNode. Working on a proof of concept of a StatsD implementation.

Storage team

  • Team investigating bugs in tests and on the platform.

SRE team 

  • Planning for migration to new infrastructure. Work to be complete by end of the month.
  • Investing test failures, test improvements and implementing fixes in CI.
  • Implementing RDoctor, a log aggregation tool, to support debugging efforts.

RChain test net

  • All teams working to resolve blockers to test net.

Developer website 
