- Medha
- Roadmap - aiming to have a draft version for internal review by dev team. Will have some holes in it.
- Sprint entry this week. Large number of developers now, we have split the group into 3.
Compiler Group: → RHOL board
- Kyle, Joe, Kent, Eitan, Michael
VM Group: → ROS Board
Node Group: -→ CORE board
- Focus on delivering the SDK 0.1 by early February.
- Updated Rholang specification & tutorials to match what the compiler supports
- Line numbers for Lexer errors and compiler errors to be implemented.
- Packaging & User Experience
- Get Rosette ready for release in the SDK.
- Infrastructure for web compiler
- Compiler team is concentrating on what features are needed in Rholang for Mercury
- Documenting at which level we will enforce cost and resource bounds and a reasoning on why we did it that way.
- Making decisions on what we will deliver for Cost enforcement for Mercury
- Node team:
- Node http api - start designing and implementing
- Storage query unification
- Assist with SDK Packaging
- Node penetration testing
- Node Community test planned for Friday afternoon 3 pm Pacific. Join us in #node-testing on Discord.
- Rosette team:
- C++ work to support SDK release
- Scala team - focus on running 'helloworld.rho' & port more OpCodes