Community Update 35
Community Update 35
Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
Kelly Foster
Owned by Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
- Medha
- Final push to Node 6 release. Team is focusing on stability, performance and robustness of the system.
- Bugs are the highest priority for resolution.
- I need to do triage to check for duplicates and set priority. If you come across a bug and want to file it, please check that no one else has reported the issue: Dashboard
- https://rchain.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- Please provide your RNode version number + Git Hash, server logs, local blockchain and as much detail about steps to reproduce!
- Medha thanks you for taking this extra step!
- Sharding and Economics are not ready, these will be part of Node 7
- Great progress during node testing this week. We had 32 peers connected, 60 attendees on the call.
- Rholang team:
- Output of ETH script to scrape RHOC balances provided for internal review. We will be demonstrating the RHOC/Rev swap as part of test net launch.
- Registry is in implementation. We will support UUID's and public keys only.
- Plan on compressing block data before sending (helps with 4 MB protobuf limitation)
- Block approval protocol for genesis block is in progress, expect completion this week.
- API to fetch data complete
- Fixed RHOL-591 - untraced comm event, confirmed the issue is fixed.
- Cross Shard contracts in review. These contracts are still unfinished.
- Unbonding contract in review.
- Implementing Error handling in Casper.
- Storage/Node team:
- Keith and Alex joined the Node team this sprint.
- Discovered 4 MB limit in gRPC when showing blocks. Node team is investigating
- Performance harness complete. Medha to perform UAT on the system.
- Created Thin gRPC client in Scala for gatling which will be faster and thinner than the rNode client done, for performance testing.
- New communications layer is working, tested during the node-testing session.
- Issues discovered around system shutdown, these are being investigated.
- Building gRPC Client API for client data retrieval
- Building bootstrap node monitoring and paging system.
- Improving memory monitoring metrics.
- Roscala:
- Discovered an issue with non-deterministic behavior inherent in the parallelism. The wait quiescent function which we thought we could use it to wait- but it turned out that the fork-join pool framework in Java doesn't really support that. A solution has been identified, Alex has worked around it. Fix is on its way. There is some clean up of the code that needs to happen first.
- Clean up of the code & implementation for the fix is still in progress. ETA end of week.
- Discovered an issue with non-deterministic behavior inherent in the parallelism. The wait quiescent function which we thought we could use it to wait- but it turned out that the fork-join pool framework in Java doesn't really support that. A solution has been identified, Alex has worked around it. Fix is on its way. There is some clean up of the code that needs to happen first.
- Website - https://developer.rchain.coop
- This is the best place to get started working with the RChain software.
- RHOC holders should sign up to receive updates when https://developer.rchain.coop/token-swap updates. This is the official and only place announcements where information about REV issuance will be published. Sign up to receive an email when the page updates.
- Validators
- Interested in being a validator? Please register your interest at https://developer.rchain.coop. With this registration you will receive technical updates and personal invitations events between now and launch of main net.
- RCon3
- RChain is happy to announce that the Adrian Belew Power Trio and EchoTest will perform a concert for attendees on Sept, 5, 2018 at 20:00.
- Details about the conference are at https://developer.rchain.coop/conference.
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