Community Update 38
Community Update 38
- Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
- Kelly Foster
Owned by Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
- Medha
- Testnet refresh took place on Tuesday! We were able to perform a staggered update & preserve the blockchain state.
- We deployed a patch to the testnet, 0.6.4 - which contained 3 bug fixes.
- Medha is focusing on detailing out the rest of the releases, anticipate this will be done by the end of the week.
- Working out the test plan and SLA for HackerOne.
- Scope creep is paramount. The team is concerned about locking down what we will deliver for Mercury.
- Rholang team:
- Show-blocks issue - suspect that this may be related to context switching around threads. Workaround is to use show-block with the block's hash
- Work continues on the name registry.
- Focusing on stability in the Interpreter, specifically to work on stack management
- Team met to discuss the Casper block store, goals being to improve the story for validator recovery and performance improvements.
- Casper team is focused on fixing the InvalidBondsCache bug.
- Uplifting the integration tests by moving these to PyTest & making the tests modular. Once complete, this work will be turned over to the SRE team.
- Storage/Node team:
- Investigating moving to finer grained locking in LMDB. Removing the lock & running the wide contract yielded encouraging results (8-10 K COMM events/s)
- Node team is focusing on the threading model, Alexander is leading this effort.
- We have an SRE team! We welcome Adam to the project.
- SRE is working on a proposal to streamline and improve our devops pipeline.
- Avoiding excessive rebuilds of the node from one set of tests to another
- Including performance testing as part of the pipeline
- Addressing Travis latency issues.
- Website - https://developer.rchain.coop
- Updated with RNode v0.6.4 release
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