Community Update 33
Community Update 33
Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
Kelly Foster
Owned by Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
- Medha
- Working with Jeremy on metrics and performance testing.
- Running performance tests, need to update metrics.
- Great progress during node testing this week. We had 18 peers connected, and we were able to validate the fix for non-determinism & block synchronization
- Rholang team:
- Stable marriage algorithm for pattern matching in review.
- Remainder syntax for Maps and Sets in flight.
- RSpace doesn't roll back in the CLI and REPL on error, fixing. Need a fix from RSpace team.
- Aggregating cost for a single deploy from multiple Rholang program. PR approved.
- Node testing exposed a bug in concurrency. PR cut & in review.
- Discovered 'spurious' equivocations, fix in review. Starting work on Challenge protocol for genesis block signing.
- Registry work - making resources work at unforgeable names by requesting 'new', implementing the registry, implementing a 'confine' method that eliminates the URN requests from untrusted code.
- Need a lockout / tag out mechanism - since a certain quorum of validators that have to agree that the message is finalized. N and K cannot change such that a quorum can no longer be formed. It will hang. In the event there is a network partition, need a way to indicate that the message will need fail. Approval quorum, cancellation quorum and list of keys that go into the contract.
- Added sender information to blocks.
- Updated GHOST rule to run off of last finalized block.
- Several members of the Rholang team are hopping on Consensus to help push through the backlog for testnet.
- Storage/Node team:
- Thomas joins the Node team as SRE
- Implementing mechanism to monitor the bootstrap.
- Block storage work is complete. Needs to be integrated with Casper. This work depends on bonding, as we will need to figure out how many blocks to provide to new validators when bonding.
- Node configuration file feature merged. This change will require a user guide update. Medha to get the user guide updated with the new changes.
- Implemented updates in RSpace to support 'listening on a channel', so clients can retrieve data.
- Working on metrics visualization.
- Building Metrics dashboards in Grafana.
- Roscala team:
- Working on integrating the Actor work with the Parallelism work.
- Documentation on Rosette. Figured out what needs to be done in order to port to 64 bits.
- Roscala team is disbanding for the balance of the Mercury project plan after this sprint. Timm will join the Rholang team, Alex and Keith will go work with the Node and SRE teams respectively.
- Website - https://developer.rchain.coop
- This is the best place to get started working with the RChain software.
- RHOC holders should sign up to receive updates when https://developer.rchain.coop/token-swap updates. This is the official and only place announcements related to the swap will be published. Sign up to receive an email when the page updates.
- Validators
- Interested in being a validator? Please register your interest at https://developer.rchain.coop
- RCon3
- Preliminary program is published. Please see https://developer.rchain.coop/conference
- Round two of the scholarship application period is open through Aug. 6 Details and application are available at https://developer.rchain.coop/conference
- Demo of buying RCon3 ticket with ETH.
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