Community Update 105

Community Update 105


  • Release
    • Node version 0.9.18 is the current release - public beta - that includes per validator vaults to improve mergeability RNode-0.9.18 release plan
    • Testnet is running rnode version 0.9.18 This is the public beta release.
    • Getting ready to release 0.9.19 with the following improvements: resolve known block mergeability conflicts in PoS.rho, web api, bug fixes including fixes for 'insufficient phlo' crashing the node.  

  • Sprint 44 in progress
    • Main focus is (a) further improvements to mergeability (b) feature cleanup, testing, hardening, security, bug fixing (c) Network safety and reliability (d) getting ready for exchanges and dApp developers
    • Mergeability
      • Merged - Refactor (modularize, decouple) PoS.rho proof of stake contract to minimize mergeability conflicts. There are three specific issues identified. The fixes are published in https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2837  .
      • Merged - TreeHashMap being used to improve performance in Registry.rho as well as in the above mergeability solution.  The PR is at https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2840    
      • Improvements to Tuple space merging in Rspace RNode feature gaps.  - PR getting ready to be published - This was delayed more than expected, but perhaps not a strict mainnet requirement.
    • Slashed Funds to be deposited into coop wallet
      • This allows refunding of the funds if the slashing is due to a software error  RCHAIN-3993 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    •  Hardening
      • Merged - PR to secure access to protocol-private PoS methods   RCHAIN-3888 - Getting issue details... STATUS   https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2781
      • 'insufficient phlo' bringing down the node - PR is getting ready . This was delayed more than expected.
      • Working on an error handling framework to correctly handle replay errors / mismatches. Likely to be released post-mainnet.
    • Casper and block storage
    • dApp developer tools and documentation. 
    • Performance improvements
    • Refactoring, Optimizations and bug fixes, hardening - ongoing 

Mercury requirements and acceptance criteria

Blockers to Mainnet

  • TBD

Risks to code completion for Mercury


Developer website


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