RNode feature gaps
RNode feature gaps
Persistence optimization
Cold Store
RSpace in its current form does not handle singular values under a given channel. It deals with lists.
rho: x!("42") cold store: hash(List("42")) -> List("42") rho: x!("43") cold store: hash(List("42", "43")) -> List("42", "43") rho: x!("44") cold store: hash(List("42", "43", "44")) -> List("42", "43", "44")
This has two consequences that need to be considered:
- lookup
- size on disk
- LMDB limit on data per hash
ad 1.
When RSpace needs to deal with channel "x" it has to fetch the whole list and deserialize its contents.
ad 2.
There is no data sharing: in the above example, "42" will be stored 3 times.
ad 3.
There is a limit to how much data can fit under one name in LMDB. The current implementation assumes that it will never be reached.
Random part
RSpace.createWithReplay[ F, Par, BindPattern, ListParWithRandom, TaggedContinuation ]
case class ListParWithRandom( pars: _root_.scala.collection.Seq[coop.rchain.models.Par] = _root_.scala.collection.Seq.empty, randomState: coop.rchain.crypto.hash.Blake2b512Random = coop.rchain.models.ListParWithRandom._typemapper_randomState.toCustom(_root_.com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY) )
TaggedContinuation contains a case class ParBody(value: coop.rchain.models.ParWithRandom)
RSpace is unaware of what data it contains.
trait ISpace[F[_], C, P, A, K] class RSpace[F[_], C, P, A, K]( historyRepository: HistoryRepository[F, C, P, A, K], storeAtom: AtomicAny[HotStore[F, C, P, A, K]], branch: Branch )( implicit serializeC: Serialize[C], serializeP: Serialize[P], serializeA: Serialize[A], serializeK: Serialize[K],
The nature of how rholang discovers change (a notion of time, evolution, progress etc.) is by an element that is able to divide and merge. In the current im