2019-05-06 Meeting notes: mainnet launch protocol

2019-05-06 Meeting notes: mainnet launch protocol


May 6, 2019


  • @Kelly Foster


We reveiw the mainnet launch timeline and protocol and document any changes.

Discussion topics







  • We’ve heard in conversations with the community there is a possibility that not all RHOC will result in the issuance of REV at mainnet launch.

    • Is this correct?

    • If so, who will provide the information for which RHOC will not result in the issuance of REV?

    • If so, what process will we use to remove those ETH addresses from the genesis block?

  • We’ve heard in conversations that the launch of mainnet may rely only on Coop-owned validators.

    • Is this correct? Or will community validators participate as well?

  • We’ve heard concerns about potential DOS attacks on nodes running the genesis ceremony.

    • Should we take steps to mitigate?

    • If so, what will we do?

  • We have challenges processing the genesis block when it contains information about RHOC balances. Work is in progress to resolve. Are there other ideas we should consider?

  • What changes (if any) do we need to make to the timeline for announcing the ETH block height as part of the pre-launch phase?

Action items


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