(deprecated) RSpace 0.2 Specification

(deprecated) RSpace 0.2 Specification



This document is intended to specify the 0.2 release of the RChain storage layer (Storage.02)


Call out any related documents, pre-requisite documents, and documents that provide context or background.

(deprecated) RSpace 0.1 Specification

Previous version (Storage.01

RChain Architecture Docs: Storage and Query

The version of the storage layer envisioned for Storage.02 is a simplified version of the layer described in this document.

Storage.02 will not include distributed operation. Storage.02 will not operate in a distributed setting. Storage.02 is designed to work in the context of a single Rholang interpreter running alone on a single node which does not communicate with other nodes.  Later releases of the RChain storage layer will work with multiple instances of the Rholang interpreter or RhoVM running on a single node which will be networked with other such nodes.

There are also some important differences from the storage layer described the architecture document:

  • The underlying key-value store: Instead of MongoDB, the current design of the storage layer uses LMDB.  See Software Dependencies for more information.
  • The query mechanism: Originally, SpecialK used a Prolog/Datalog-based query mechanism, which was included in the original design for the RChain storage layer . However, this feature will not be available in the Storage.02 release.  It will be replaced with a different approach to matching on keys.

Lmdb and Lmdbjava Usage Recommendations 

This document contains relevant information about LMDB.

Storage Issues 

Old, somewhat weird solution to each key having multiple pieces of data


  • a term that has a definition
  • a term that is part of the interface
  • a term that has a definition and is part of the interface

JAR: Java ARchive

"A package file format typically used to aggregate many Java class files and associated metadata and resources (text, images, etc.) into one file for distribution." (Wikipedia)

COMM Event

From RChain Architecture Docs: Execution Model

RhoVM operates against a key-value data store. A state change of RhoVM is realized by an operation that modifies which key maps to what value. Since, like Rholang, RhoVM is derived from the rho-calculus model of computation, that operation is the low-level rho-calculus reduction rule. Effectively, the reduction rule, known as the “COMM” rule, is a substitution that defines a computation P to be performed if a new value is observed at a key. A key is analogous to a name in that it references a location in memory which holds the value being substituted.

A COMM Event is a consume that matched at least one produce.

IO Event

consume or produce.


A consume is an action that can be issued on RSpace and is aligned with the Rholang conceptual model of using the tupelspace.

The consume represents a waiting continuation which can be matched in RSpace with a relevant produce.


A produce is an action that can be issued on RSpace and is aligned with the Rholang conceptual model of using the tupelspace.

The produce represents data that can be matched in RSpace with a relevant consume.


A variant on a blockchain, where each block is a node in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).  In order to accommodate the CASPER consensus model, RChain's Blockchain is a BlockDAG. The storage layer stores the history of states and has means for rolling back to them to support the consensus model.

Merkle Patricia Trie

From https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Patricia-Tree

Merkle Patricia tries provide a cryptographically authenticated data structure that can be used to store all (key, value) bindings

Type class

From the Cats Documentation

Type classes are a powerful tool used in functional programming to enable ad-hoc polymorphism, more commonly known as overloading. Where many object-oriented languages leverage subtyping for polymorphic code, functional programming tends towards a combination of parametric polymorphism (think type parameters, like Java generics) and ad-hoc polymorphism.

Original paper demonstrating how to encode type classes in Scala: https://ropas.snu.ac.kr/~bruno/papers/TypeClasses.pdf


From http://www.lmdb.tech/doc/

LMDB is a Btree-based database management library modeled loosely on the BerkeleyDB API, but much simplified.


RSpace is the "RChain storage layer" implementation. It has an abstract interface IStore that holds the"RChain storage layer" contract.

  RSpace[C, P, A, K]

  C - a type representing a channel
  P - a type representing a pattern
  A - a type representing an arbitrary piece of data
  K - a type representing a continuation

A Checkpoint is a stable (once created it does not change over time) reference to a particular state of RSpace. It is implemented as a BLAKE2b256 hash.

checkpoint is also an action of creating a Checkpoint.


A rollback is an action that can be performed on RSpace. It requires a valid Checkpoint and results in RSpace pointing to the state that the passed Checkpoint referenced. 


A Branch represents a named context in RSpace. Any data that found it's way into RSpace on one Branch will not be visible on a different Branch.

This allows RSpace to share the data store (different data spaces on different Branches) which in turns allow to run a replay (via rigged mode).

Log (Trace Log)

Every action (IO Event, COMM Event) that affects the state in RSpace is stored in the log

Rigged mode

Puts RSpace in a mode that allows to replay results that were produced by a different RSpace based on log and incoming produce and consume events.


The RChain's Blockchain network composed of multiple nodes.


A validator is a node role responsible for the consensus algorithm (http://architecture-docs.readthedocs.io/execution_model/consensus_protocol.html).


RSpace 0.2 includes the features needed to support the RChain blockchain.  

As stated above, this document is only intended to describe the minimal initial version of the storage layer, known as Storage.02.

Storage.02 will implement the basic tuplespace functionality described below for use in the Rholang Interpreter.


  • will not operate in a distributed mode
  • will not implement the "system processes" feature which allow a client to run arbitrary Scala code keyed to a particular channel. 

Use Cases

History & Rollback

  • Clients should be able to save the current state of RSpace in the form of a Checkpoint (root hash of a given Merkle Patricia Trie)
  • Clients should be able to rollback the state of RSpace to a given Checkpoint.
  • Possibly out of scope: Provide a mechanism for clients to have access to the state (leaves) at a a given checkpoint.  This is needed in order to allow new validators to join an existing network.

COMM Event Traces

  • Clients should be able to acquire a log of all produces, consumes, and COMM Events ("matches") that have occurred in RSpace since the last call to getCheckpoint.
  • Given a log of COMM Events, we need to be able to run RSpace in  a "rigged mode" where a new produce or consume that matches the one in the log will cause RSpace to return the same result

Storage Layer

The storage layer will be used as library code in an existing Scala codebase.

As envisioned, the storage layer covers the following use cases:

  1. It should allow the Rholang interpreter to persist and retrieve objects related to it's execution state.  It WILL NOT execute those objects.
  2. It should be general enough for use as a storage layer outside of the context of the Rholang interpreter.  This will be delivered as a self-contained Scala library, targeting Scala 2.11.x, 2.12.x, and eventually 2.13.x
  3. It should allow the client (RChain blockchain) to checkpoint and reset RSpace.

Design Considerations


System Interface


RSpace implements the following interface which is the minimal contract required by RChain blockchain for the storage layer.

ISpace interface
trait ISpace[C, P, A, K] {
  def consume(channels: Seq[C], patterns: Seq[P], continuation: K, persist: Boolean)(
      implicit m: Match[P, A]): Option[(K, Seq[A])]
  def produce(channel: C, data: A, persist: Boolean)(implicit m: Match[P, A]): Option[(K, Seq[A])]
  def install(channels: Seq[C], patterns: Seq[P], continuation: K)(
      implicit m: Match[P, A]): Option[(K, Seq[A])]
  def createCheckpoint(): Checkpoint
  def reset(root: Blake2b256Hash): Unit
  def close(): Unit
RSpace signature
class RSpace[C, P, A, K](val store: IStore[C, P, A, K], val branch: Branch)(
    serializeC: Serialize[C],
    serializeP: Serialize[P],
    serializeA: Serialize[A],
    serializeK: Serialize[K]
) extends ISpace[C, P, A, K]

The RSpace implementation depends on a few external pieces of information and/or dependencies bundled in Context.

class Context[C, P, A, K] private (
    val env: Env[ByteBuffer],
    val path: Path,
    val trieStore: ITrieStore[Txn[ByteBuffer], Blake2b256Hash, GNAT[C, P, A, K]]

Env is the configuration expected by LMDB (https://github.com/lmdbjava/lmdbjava/blob/master/src/main/java/org/lmdbjava/Env.java).

Path points to where the data will be held.

ITrieStore is the mechanism that builds history that can be checkpoint-ed.

Additionally a default Branch is required.


An interface representing the basic actions needed to build and maintain a Merkle Patricia Trie.

An implementation named LMDBTrieStore is backed with LMDB.

It is used as the source of the current tip of the history of RSpace.


All the low-level calls that result in consume or produce are defined in terms of an IStore interface.

The implementation delivered Storage.02 is based on LMDB.

class LMDBStore[C, P, A, K]

RSpace creation

RSpace create
object RSpace {

  def create[C, P, A, K](context: Context[C, P, A, K], branch: Branch)(
      sc: Serialize[C],
      sp: Serialize[P],
      sa: Serialize[A],
      sk: Serialize[K]): RSpace[C, P, A, K] = {

    implicit val codecC: Codec[C] = sc.toCodec
    implicit val codecP: Codec[P] = sp.toCodec
    implicit val codecA: Codec[A] = sa.toCodec
    implicit val codecK: Codec[K] = sk.toCodec

    history.initialize(context.trieStore, branch)

    val mainStore = LMDBStore.create[C, P, A, K](context, branch)

    new RSpace[C, P, A, K](mainStore, branch)


    /** Searches the store for data matching all the given patterns at the given channels.
    * If no match is found, then the continuation and patterns are put in the store at the given
    * channels.
    * If a match is found, then the continuation is returned along with the matching data.
    * Matching data stored with the `persist` flag set to `true` will not be removed when it is
    * retrieved. See below for more information about using the `persist` flag.
    * '''NOTE''':
    * A call to [[consume]] that is made with the persist flag set to `true` only persists when
    * there is no matching data.
    * This means that in order to make a continuation "stick" in the store, the user will have to
    * continue to call [[consume]] until a `None` is received.
    * @param channels A Seq of channels on which to search for matching data
    * @param patterns A Seq of patterns with which to search for matching data
    * @param continuation A continuation
    * @param persist Whether or not to attempt to persist the data
  def consume(channels: Seq[C], patterns: Seq[P], continuation: K, persist: Boolean)(
      implicit m: Match[P, A]): Option[(K, Seq[A])]
  * @tparam P A type representing patterns
  * @tparam A A type representing data
trait Match[P, A] {
  def get(p: P, a: A): Option[A]

The Match typeclass allows a  consume to be agnostic about the meaning of a match. As long as an instance is available, consume can try to match an incoming continuation with data existing in RSpace


    def install(channels: Seq[C], patterns: Seq[P], continuation: K)(
      implicit m: Match[P, A]): Option[(K, Seq[A])]

Install behaves similarly to consume except that if the incoming continuation does not find a match, any existing waiting continuation at channels will be replaced by the incoming one and it will be a persistent one.


  /** Searches the store for a continuation that has patterns that match the given data at the
    * given channel.
    * If no match is found, then the data is put in the store at the given channel.
    * If a match is found, then the continuation is returned along with the matching data.
    * Matching data or continuations stored with the `persist` flag set to `true` will not be
    * removed when they are retrieved. See below for more information about using the `persist`
    * flag.
    * '''NOTE''':
    * A call to [[produce]] that is made with the persist flag set to `true` only persists when
    * there are no matching continuations.
    * This means that in order to make a piece of data "stick" in the store, the user will have to
    * continue to call [[produce]] until a `None` is received.
    * @param channel A channel on which to search for matching continuations and/or store data
    * @param data A piece of data
    * @param persist Whether or not to attempt to persist the data
  def produce(channel: C, data: A, persist: Boolean)(implicit m: Match[P, A]): Option[(K, Seq[A])]


  case class Checkpoint(root: Blake2b256Hash, log: trace.Log)

  /** Creates a checkpoint.
    * @return A [[Checkpoint]]
  def createCheckpoint(): Checkpoint

  /** Resets the store to the given root.
    * @param root A BLAKE2b256 Hash representing the checkpoint
  def reset(root: Blake2b256Hash): Unit

The usage of the checkpoint mechanism is straight-forward:

rollback usage
//given a space:
val space: ISpace[C, P, A, K] = RSpace.create(???)
val checkpoint0 = space.getCheckpoint()

space.store.isEmpty // => res0: Boolean = true
space.store.isEmpty // => res1: Boolean = false
val checkpoint1 = space.getCheckpoint()

space.store.isEmpty // => res2: Boolean = true

space.store.isEmpty // => res3: Boolean = false

Replay mode

There exists a deterministic counterpart of the non-deterministic RSpace - the ReplayRSpace.
Before executing consume and produce operations, it needs to be `rigged` using a checkpoint hash and a log of operations recorded previously by a non-deterministic RSpace.

class ReplayRSpace[C, P, A, K](val store: IStore[C, P, A, K], val branch: Branch)(
    serializeC: Serialize[C],
    serializeP: Serialize[P],
    serializeA: Serialize[A],
    serializeK: Serialize[K]
) extends ISpace[C, P, A, K] {
How trace log is recorded

The trace log is a synchronized sequence of events embedded in RSpace.

Trace log
sealed trait Event
case class COMM(consume: Consume, produces: Seq[Produce]) extends Event

sealed trait IOEvent extends Event

class Produce private (val hash: Blake2b256Hash) extends IOEvent {
class Consume private (val hash: Blake2b256Hash) extends IOEvent {

type Log = immutable.Seq[Event]

private val eventLog: SyncVar[Log]

Trace logs are recorded during usage of consume, produce, and install operations executed on the normal (non-deterministic) RSpace instance.

Trace log recording
// consume
val ref = Consume.create(channels, patterns, continuation, persist)

// install
val ref = Consume.create(channels, patterns, continuation, true)

// produce
val ref = Produce.create(channel, data, persist)

eventLog.update(ref +: _)

Every time a match is found, either during consume, produce, or install operations, an additional COMM event is written to the trace log.

COMM event recording
eventLog.update(COMM(consumeRef, dataCandidates.map(_.datum.source)) +: _)

During checkpoint creation the contents of the eventLog are stored in the `Checkpoint` object for future reference.

Rig point creation
val rigPoint = space.createCheckpoint()

After this is done the eventLog is cleared.

How the log is used to create replay data

The checkpoint data can be used to rig a ReplayRSpace. This operation initalizes the replay data used for deterministic replay of events.

Replay table creation
def rig(startRoot: Blake2b256Hash, log: trace.Log): Unit

type MultisetMultiMap[K, V] = mutable.HashMap[K, com.google.common.collect.Multiset[V]]
type ReplayData = MultisetMultiMap[IOEvent, COMM]

private val replayData: SyncVar[ReplayData]

replaySpace.rig(emptyPoint.root, rigPoint.log)
How deterministic playback works

The consume and produce operations of ReplayRSpace behave similarly to those of the normal RSpace. The main difference is that whenever a COMM event occurs, the replayData is used to check whether it occurred during normal operation of the RSpace. If not, an exception is thrown. If yes, it is removed from the replayData so it cannot occur again.

This implies, that in replay mode exactly the same COMM events as in the log must occur and no others.

Rigged mode replay
val resultConsume = space.consume(channels, patterns, continuation, false)
val resultProduce = space.produce(channels(0), datum, false)

val replayResultConsume = replaySpace.consume(channels, patterns, continuation, false)
val replayResultProduce = replaySpace.produce(channels(0), datum, false)

replayResultProduce shouldBe resultProduce

Hardware Interface

Describe how the software will interface with physical systems, ex: ports for communication, which devices are to be supported and any hardware protocols used.

Storage.02 depends on the availability of a writeable Path that the LMDB can access with write privileges. 

Software Interface

Will software be used in creating the system? If so, indicate what software (name and version), how it is to be used, and any details about how it interfaces with the software being specified.

User Interface

What is the user interface for the software? How will users interact with the software?  List out all the aspects involved in making the UI better for all users that will interact or support the software.

Communications Interface

System Overview

Provide a description of the software system, including its functionality and matters relating to the overall system and design.  Feel free to split this up into subsections, or use data flow diagrams or process flow diagrams.  

ISpace (RSpace)

ISpace is an abstraction that allows a client to perform high-level actions (produce & consume) on an underlying tuplespace implementation.

The only implementation available is RSpace. It's core characteristics are:

  • It holds an LMDBStore instance (LMDB backed IStore implementation)
  • It holds an LMDBTrieStore instance (LMDB backed ITrieStore implementation)
  • It holds a Log instance
  • It requires four serializers to be in scope
    • Serialize[C] for channels
    • Serialize[P] for patterns
    • Serialize[A] for data
    • Serialize[K] for continuations

IStore (LMDBStore)

The LMDBStore sits directly on the LMDB database. It introduces low level entities:

  • Join
  • Channel
  • Waiting Continuations
  • Data

and according CRUD actions for each.

Internally, entities are bundled in GNATs.

  /** [[GNAT]] is not a `Tuple3`
  final case class GNAT[C, P, A, K](
      channels: Seq[C],
      data: Seq[Datum[A]],
      wks: Seq[WaitingContinuation[P, K]] // waiting continuations

Each action requires a transaction to be open.

  private[rspace] def createTxnRead(): T = env.txnRead

  private[rspace] def createTxnWrite(): T = env.txnWrite

  private[rspace] def withTxn[R](txn: T)(f: T => R): R

Additionally LMDBStore allows checkpoint creation.

def createCheckpoint(): Blake2b256Hash

This is required to allow #rollback

The StoreEventsCounter gathers metrics.

final class Counter {
  private[this] val sumCounter: AtomicReference[SumCounter] =
    new AtomicReference[SumCounter](SumCounter(0, 0, 0))

private[rspace] class StoreEventsCounter
  val producesCounter
  val consumesCounter
  val consumesCommCounter
  val producesCommCounter
  val installCommCounter

case class StoreCount(count: Long, avgMilliseconds: Double, peakRate: Int, currentRate: Int)

case class StoreCounters(sizeOnDisk: Long,
                         dataEntries: Long,
                         consumesCount: StoreCount,
                         producesCount: StoreCount,
                         consumesCommCount: StoreCount,
                         producesCommCount: StoreCount,
                         installCommCount: StoreCount)

The LMDBStore depends on Codecs for base entities. These can be derived from Serialize.

    implicit val codecC: Codec[C] = sc.toCodec
    implicit val codecP: Codec[P] = sp.toCodec
    implicit val codecA: Codec[A] = sa.toCodec
    implicit val codecK: Codec[K] = sk.toCodec

On the lowest level the LMDBStore relies on the available codecs to encode/decode data.

The underlying LMDB instance is divided into:

    _dbGNATs: Dbi[ByteBuffer],
    _dbJoins: Dbi[ByteBuffer],

Additional tracking structures:

Seq[TrieUpdate[C, P, A, K]]

This structure is used as part of the checkpoint & rollback mechanism.

ITrieStore[Txn[ByteBuffer], Blake2b256Hash, GNAT[C, P, A, K]]

The LMDBStore holds an instance of LMDBTrieStore. This is used as the store to keep checkpoints.

ITrieStore (LMDBTrieStore) 

The available implementation is based on Merkle Patricia Trie.

The underlying store is split into:

_dbTrie: Dbi[ByteBuffer],
_dbRoot: Dbi[ByteBuffer]

The root db holds the current root, and tries holds all the pieces of data.

This implementation uses the concept of Skip (Extension) Nodes.


Assumptions and Dependencies

Software Dependencies

Lightning Memory-mapped Database

"An ultra-fast, ultra-compact, crash-proof key-value embedded data store."

General Information: 


http://www.lmdb.tech/doc/index.html (Doxygen documentation for C version) 

JNR-FFI Wrapper Library for use from Scala


http://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.lmdbjava/lmdbjava/0.6.0 (javadoc)

Protocol Buffers (serialization format)

"...are a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data."

Both Rholang objects and Blockchain blocks will be serialized to and deserialized from binary using the Protocol Buffer serialization format. 

The serialized data will be stored in LMDB as the value portion of the key-value pair.



"...is a protocol buffer compiler plugin for Scala. It will generate Scala case classes, parsers and serializers for your protocol buffers."



We use Kamon as our monitoring toolkit. Below is the overview of metrics published by RSpace:

* COMM event counters distinguished by the operation which triggered the event:

private[this] val consumeCommCounter = Kamon.counter("rspace.comm.consume")
private[this] val produceCommCounter = Kamon.counter("rspace.comm.produce")

* Spans tracing execution times of all operations:

private[this] val consumeSpan = Kamon.buildSpan("rspace.consume")
private[this] val produceSpan = Kamon.buildSpan("rspace.produce")
protected[this] val installSpan = Kamon.buildSpan("rspace.install")

Analogous metrics exist for the ReplayRSpace.

These metrics are published by Kamon in a Prometheus format so they can be scraped by the latter. Prometheus is configured as the data source in Grafana, allowing us to query the time series using the built-in expression language and visualize them.

To find the number of COMM events per second triggered by produce operations use: rate(rspace_comm_produce_total[1m])

"rspace_comm_produce_total[1m]" - converts the time series to a range vector containing data points gathered over the last minute

The "rate" function calculates the per second average rate of increase of the time series in the range vector

Number of COMM events per second triggered by consume operations is defined analogously.

Architectural Strategies

Describe any design decisions and/or strategies that affect the overall organization of the system and its higher-level structures. These strategies should provide insight into the key abstractions and mechanisms used in the system architecture. Describe the reasoning employed for each decision and/or strategy (possibly referring to previously stated design goals and principles) and how any design goals or priorities were balanced or traded-off. Such decisions might concern (but are not limited to) things like the following:

  • Use of a particular type of product (programming language, database, library, etc. ...)
  • Reuse of existing software components to implement various parts/features of the system
  • Future plans for extending or enhancing the software
  • User interface paradigms (or system input and output models)
  • Hardware and/or software interface paradigms
  • Error detection and recovery
  • Memory management policies
  • External databases and/or data storage management and persistence
  • Distributed data or control over a network
  • Generalized approaches to control
  • Concurrency and synchronization
  • Communication mechanisms
  • Management of other resources

System Architecture

Not Use Cases:

  • A node needs to store the contents of a proposed block.
  • If the node's block proposal is not accepted, and the node isn't slashed for bad behavior, then the node will have to come to consensus on another block proposal.  When the node accepts the block, the node has to update it's state to match that of the block it just accepted, and any transactions that it had stored as part of a block proposal that are NOT part of the new block will need to be kept (assuming that these transactions didn't come from a slashed validator) as part of the next proposed block.
    • The node's state is essentially the tuplespace, in that all continuations are stored in the tuplespace.
  • In the event a validator is slashed, what happens to the transactions they have processed? Do these need to be rolled back?

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