Community Update 98

Community Update 98


  • Release
    • Node version 0.9.16 is the current release RNode-0.9.16 release plan
    • Testnet is running rnode version 0.9.16
    • The 0.9.16 includes multisig features, Validator slashing and ejection rules, persistent last finalized block, websockets based events API to access live info about Rnode

    • Cost Accounting feature set was completed and released last Thursday
    • Cost Accounting is running in the Testnet3 branch https://github.com/rchain/rchain/tree/testnet3  We are in the process of merging this branch into the main dev branch and releasing RNode version 0.9.17 soon
    • Two Demos today: Cost Accounting by Joseph and dappy.tech by Raphael
  • Sprint 41 in progress
    • Main focus is Testnet 3 (a) Cost accounting  (b) Long proposal times - Fairness Constraint initial version completed (d) Additional tests for multisig features (e) ongoing work in Casper tests independent of network layer (f) Ongoing work in Planning and implementation for Network safety, reliability and hardening
    • Cost accounting is completed and Testnet 3 reached. DEMO TODAY. Current focus on Network safety, reliability and hardening and any required feature cleanup, bugs etc.
    • Cost accounting 
      • Design and Scope of work at https://gist.github.com/ArturGajowy/73e481767548b084a8e5d7c19bb1f70c
      • Implementation in progress for these preliminary tasks needed for implementing the main portions of cost accounting:
        • Cost Accounting is now complete and passing tests. We continue to test a variety of scenarios, including generative tests based on combinatorial Rholang terms in contracts https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2788 (waiting for second review and merge)
        • Waiting to be merged - Bulletproof unforgeable-name namespace uniqueness by prohibiting terms wider than Short.MAX_VALUE . Changes from the first set of reviews made.   https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2768
        • Review comments being addressed before merge  - Created first PR to secure access to protocol-private PoS methods   RCHAIN-3888 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Reduce long proposal times: 
      • Merged - Fairness constraint modification to base it on block creator  https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2786 .
      • Additional improvements to finalization implemented, including making finalization persistent:
        • Done - Disallow invalid blocks as parents  RCHAIN-3892 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Feature set completed - Implementation of mult-sig vault features is ongoing as detailed in  RCHAIN-3392 - Getting issue details... STATUS   RCHAIN-3196 - Getting issue details... STATUS   RCHAIN-3223 - Getting issue details... STATUS  and  RCHAIN-3773 - Getting issue details... STATUS .   Merged - https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2774 .  
    • Planning to improve upon and simplify tools and documentation for dApp developers. DEMO by Raphel on dappy.tech
      • Restarting Rcat (digital asset management) work to rebase on current code base. This should help dApp developers as well as help debug/harden the code base by exercising it.
    • Starting to capture some performance data, working with Raphael and other community members. 
    • Refactoring, Optimizations and bug fixes, hardening - ongoing 

Mercury requirements and acceptance criteria

Blockers to testnet-3

  • TBD

Risks to code completion for Mercury

  • Evaluating backlog vs current velocity 

Developer website


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