Community Update 108
Community Update 108
- Rao Bhamidipati
Owned by Rao Bhamidipati
Feb 05, 2020
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- Release
- Node version 0.9.19 is the current release - public beta 2 - that resolves all known mergeability issues and has improved web APIs RNode-0.9.19 release plan
- Testnet is currently running pre-release version of rnode version 0.9.20 Preliminary release notes (not completed) for 0.9.20 are at .RNode-0.9.21 release plan
Getting ready to release 0.9.20 with the final bug fixes (a) replay error and (b) slashing error in case of invalid block.
- We have started testing with 20 nodes.
- Sprint 46 in progress
- Main Focus: hardening and making the mainnet release
- Merged - Deposit Slashed Funds into coop wallet
- Hardening
- Replay errors - RCHAIN-3917 - Getting issue details... STATUS and RCHAIN-3943 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Recently introduced CloseBlock System deploy seems to cause indeterminate errors
- Slashing for invalid blocks sometimes causes issues. We are looking into the proper policy and code changes to resolve this.
- Casper and block storage
- Merged - https://github.com/rchain/rchain/pull/2854 Make Casper replay on top of least-effort block - Helps improve long proposal times
- dApp developer tools and documentation.
- Exploratory Deployments feature - Initial version in review -likely to be merged soon. is being worked on, to allow developers to run deployments and rollback. Exploratory deploy allows clients to get data from the blockchain. Exploratory deploy is executed on top of the last finalized block. Future versions will support custom block hash and other nice features.Method can be executed only on read-only RNode.
- This is API3 described in Obtaining Data RCHAIN-3979 - Getting issue details... STATUS RCHAIN-3981 - Getting issue details... STATUS and among other things, allows to check for balance without paying REV RCHAIN-4002 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Getting ready for external validators
- Working with a couple of external validators to identify and resolve all issues, so we have a blue print for other validators.
- Performance improvements
- Refactoring, Optimizations and bug fixes, hardening - ongoing
- Community Concerns:
- Process for resolving REV balance questions and issues
- Process for someone to become an external validator
Mercury requirements and acceptance criteria
- Details on the acceptance criteria: Mercury acceptance criteria
- Please see the documentation at https://github.com/rchain/rchain/blob/dev/docs/features.md.
- Testnet status
- Please see RChain public testnet information to learn more about public testnet as well as a FAQ.
- Community testing
- January 16 at 14:00 UTC. Please see RChain community RNode testing for more information.
Blockers to Mainnet
Risks to code completion for Mercury
Developer website
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