2018-07-17 Meeting notes: RCon3

2018-07-17 Meeting notes: RCon3




Discuss issues related to RCon3 program and extending invitations to speakers and guests

Discussion items

Event price and marketing
  • Current price is <1/3 of comparable conferences in the US
  • Peter - Berlin is precarious economic area. Strong free-lance and gig economy. This impacts interest in 
  • Would anyone pay to attend a conference for a technology they don't know? (Peter)
  • Agreement - the goal it to get people to the conference, above 
  • Ela - there are a variety of events at various price points. Challenge is to market in Berlin now
    • IDEA - get Ela and Peter's blockchain contacts
  • IDEA research local Berlin tech meet ups 
    • Ex Ethereum, Cosmos
    • Look for Tomas, Phil to attend
    • Offer registration discount code
    • Peter has staff who can help support
  • IDEA make promo codes more engaging
    • Ich bin ein Berliner
      • Concern that some may not have a local id. This may limit success (Ela)
    • Ich bin ein Coder
      • To get, must submit some Rholang smart contract
        • Be one teach, teach one
        • Greg to put out a volunteer call 
    • Ich bin ein Cooperator
      • Demo membership of a platform coop
      • IDEA badges for name tags
  • IDEA article on Medium about the cooperative, new way of organizing around new technology
    • Ask Ela to write her perspective on forming a tech perspective 
    • DECISION Ela and Peter to get ideas (thoughts) to Emily by end of week. Emily to finesse.
  • IDEA organize a Berlin RChain meet up on an evening of one of the private days
    • Peter volunteers to speak
    • Medha - Might be good to ‘limit space’ to the meet up
      scarcity principle ‘first 100 people to register’ or a limited offering that includes access to the meetup
  • New partnership with audio company. Plan to demo at conference
    • 2 sessions
    • Branded earbuds for registrants
  • Blockchain 3.0 panel
    • start email with Greg, Lilia, and Kenny
  • Greg needs to see a list of speakers to make stipend suggestions

Action items

  • Emily Weston pair Ela and Jared to discuss channels for marketing
  • Emily Weston work with Ela and Peter to help them extend RCon3 invitations to their network (pre-meeting session, free registration)
  • Emily Weston work with Jared to locate Berlin tech meet ups. When and where are they, and then see if our local mavens can attend.
  • Kelly Foster give free registration to RNode testers
  • Emily Weston work with Ela and Peter to write Medium post
  • Cody Clawson (Unlicensed) see if there is space to do a meet up on the evening of the private days
  • Kelly Foster share concert info with Cody. Cody to follow up with Greg by EOD 
  • Emily Weston create a list of known speakers in the program workbook to share with Greg to get his feedback on stipend.
  • Cody Clawson (Unlicensed) work with Jared on branded earbuds for attendees
  • Emily Weston   spin up email with Lilia, Kenny, and Greg to get panelists for Blockchain 3.0

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