Proof Application Requirements

Proof Application Requirements

Target releaseMercury
EpicProof Requirements
Document status
Document owner
Developers@Paolo Donorio demeo


  • Simplify user experience

Background and strategic fit

We are building an on/off chain voting scheme. The voting scheme attempts to keep privacy while still being auditable. 



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Option for a JSON-RPC server listeningget updates from blockchain to present to userMust have

Believe Rchain provide some basic support of protobufer so we think it should be good to go, but confirming.

2 Equivalent of WEB3 enable user to have equivalent to metamask experience Must have Javascript library for interacting our contracts with rchain
3ecrecover(), and sha3() functions for our on-chain vote parsingImportantWe understand there will not be actual functions such as these in rholang but the capability needs to be the same.
4Comparison of solidity and rholangTutorial to assist developers understand how to do certain things in rholang that are common nature in solidityModerate
5Truffle-like tooling easy to use development/testing environmentsImportant
6Mathematical libraryallow developers to easily implement mathematical functions such as exponent, root, logarithms, ect.Important
7Storageneed to understand cost of storange SSTORE opcode in ethereumImportant
8Key pairs from external systemsAbility to use key pairs from systems such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, ect. for Proof of Authority chainModerate

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