2018-10-16 Meeting notes: RChain coop web development
2018-10-16 Meeting notes: RChain coop web development
Oct 16, 2018
@Kelly Foster
Kevin Watt
Joshy Orndorff
Derek Beres
Patrick McGuire
Sync on web development for coop and dev pages
Discussion items
Item | Notes |
Problem: shortening time to make updates to web sites |
Problem: creating a cadence of updates |
Problem: creating opportunities for self-service |
Migration of dev content |
Action items
@Kelly Foster create Web permissions group in Jira with attendees on this call - UPDATE: In the RChain instance of Atlassian there is a group called “CoOp employees”. I’ve added this group to permissioned parts of administering a project in Jira (ex editing tickets, creating sprints, etc). This also means that logged in users can create issues in the project, but not edit, delete, or reorganize. Patrick and Joshy are in the CoOp employees group today. Kevin and Derek received email invites and will be added once they create an Atlassian account. Happy to provide tutorial support as you get to know Jira. Let me know how I can help.
@Former user (Deleted) and Derek share with Kevin add needs for Sprint 1 to the web dev plan by EOW
@Kelly Foster to meet with web dev team on Oct.22 to assure what can get done in Sprint 1