2018-06-20 Meeting notes: RHOC/REV swap




Action items

  • Kelly Foster confirm who we have who can speak and write Spanish
  • Patrick Maguire continue to work with exchanges to set up 
  • Nash Foster send message to Kenny and Dave re: organizing coop swap committee 
  • Kelly Foster schedule public meeting to discuss Dave's findings on RHOC held in contracts
  • Kelly Foster work with Emily to start work to draft a script with goal of delivery of v1 by July 4

Discussion items

Follow up from last meeting
  • Localization
    • Completing work to have a Chinese translator
  • Web page
    • 91 people are signed up to receive email alerts when the page updates
  •  Exchanges
    • Patrick has work in progress to meet with CuCoin and ChowX exchanges
Discussion on next steps
  • Localization
    • Mandarin and simplified Chinese is covered
    • Russian is covered
  • Exchanges
    • Recommendation to pursue exchanges even if it's likely they have bot traffic
    • Idea set up a cadence of calls with exchanges ongoing to engage
  • What do we do with the scrape of contract addresses done recently?
    • See conversation in #RHOC/REV channel
    • IDEA - schedule a call to to discuss with the community the findings of the scrape
      • Dave Currin, Patrick Maguire, Nash Foster, Mike Stay, Kenny Rowe
      • Agenda - review of findings from Dave's findings 
      • Timing - before the end of the month
    • IDEA - Is there a Coop committee charged with the issues related to the swap? Nash to investigate.
  • Work with PR firm
    • Engagement in progress
  • Video
    • IDEA - informational video
      • 8-12 minutes
      • content - describe 
      • Goal - have a script in the next two weeks. Kelly to start work with Emily