(archive) Node.02 release plan

(archive) Node.02 release plan


Integrate the Node with the Interpreter

Done when:

  • Node integrates with the interpreter

In more detail:

  • Node integrates with the interpreter
    • Tutorial
    • Documentation
  • End to End tests written in Rholang.
  • Release includes:
    • Docker image
    • Debian package
    • RPM package
    • tar.gz
    • .zip file

Out of Scope:

  • Any functionality pertaining to blockchain, incl. history in the storage layer
  • Cryptography library
  • System processes in the storage layer
  • Foreign function interface


key summary assignee status

ProjectRholang (Interpreter)
Dev LeadKyle Butt (Interpreter)
Program LeadMedha Parlikar (Unlicensed)
MarketingFormer user (Deleted)


Start Date 
Completion Date 

Dates to Note:

Sprint 4 ends

Sprint 5 ends
Development done
Release from Development
Merge to master, build packages
Membership Demo

Public announcement

Launch Readiness


DescriptionResponsibleStatus/AnswerGo/No Go
Are we Code CompleteDev Leadtypically Yes or no
Are all issues / tasks in the project marked as complete?Program Leadtypically Yes or No, review issue list and obtain statuses on all items.
What is the test programDev/Test LeadDescribe the testing program (Create a page as part of this release for the testing program if needed)
  • Does the code build automatically?
  • Is the code in Source Control?
  • Have we merged to Master?
Dev LeadCode needs to be in GitHub and under Continuous Integration.
Are there any known issues or limitations with the product?Dev LeadIf yes, describe where the issues are documented
Are any of the issues potential blockers?Dev LeadIf needed, review the open issues for the version in question. If issues exist, plan to fix or document. Reschedule the launch if needed.
How is the release packaged and installed?Dev LeadDescribe how the release will be delivered to customers, how customers will install the package. (Maybe this needs to be a requirement specified up front.)
Have we shown the release to the membership?Program LeadPre-release demo of the release should be given to the membership

Have we documented the release?

  • Are there installation Instructions?
  • User Guide?
  • Tutorials?
  • Technical / API documentation?
Dev Lead/ Program LeadDescribe the technical documentation that will be delivered as part of the release.
Link to file issuesProgram ManagerHow will bugs against the release be tracked. Provide a link to file issues here. Also provide a link to query issues against the release here.

Customer Facing Teams

DescriptionResponsibleStatus / AnswerGo / No Go
What is the Marketing PlanMarketingProvide a link to the marketing program, and indicate if all items are complete.
What is the Support ProgramProgram LeadDescribe how users will obtain support for the product. How will the support program be staffed, what is the SLA for support.
Documentation ProgramProgram LeadDescribe the external documentation plan. Provide a link if needed. How will the technical documentation be exposed to users. What format will the documentation take.
MetricsProgram Lead

Describe how the success of the release will be measured. What are the KPI's - these should map back to the goals of the release. How will the KPI's be collected and published.

LicensingProgram LeadWhat license is the release licensed under?

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