Identity Service
Identity Service
- Growth
Background and strategic fit
Wallet services today hold keys because there is no standardized way to give financial institutions regulatory air cover. Users should be able to create an identity, and use this identity to meet the regulatory requirements, such that users can keep their own keys to their wallets. Identity will evolve into credit formation. Individuals can establish credit based upon the trust that an individual has built.
# | Title | User Story | Importance | Notes |
1 | Create | As a consumer I need to create an identity so that I can can hold on to my wallet keys | Must Have |
2 | Update | As a consumer, I want every KYC validation to add to my master identity record so that | Must Have |
3 | Read | As an agency, I want to be able to read information about a Consumer's identity if the consumer has provided me access to do so, so that I can engage in a transaction with them without requiring KYC first. | Must Have |
4 | Key recovery | As a consumer with a validated identity, I can use my identity to recover my key. | Must Have |
5 | Read Access | As a consumer, I need to manage who has access to my identity information so that I can keep my information private. | Must Have |
6 | Whitelisted Agencies | As a government agency, I need to have access to all identities so that I can identify and blacklist terrorist groups and illegal activity. | Must Have |
7 | Blacklist | As a government agency, I need to have the ability to blacklist criminals and terrorist organizations so that I can curtail illegal activity. | Must Have |
User interaction and design
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
Question | Outcome |
Not Doing
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