Official RChain Blockchain Explorer

Official RChain Blockchain Explorer

Target releaseMercury
Document statusDRAFT
Document owner

Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed)



  • Growth, Reduce Risk

Background and strategic fit

An official Blockchain explorer will be a requirement prior to listing on Bittrex.



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Market Cap of RevDescribe the total market cap of Rev, and exchange rate between BTCMust Have
  • Need to determine where any exchange rate would be sourced
2Explore a namespaceProvide a namespace to the explorer, see the blockchain stats for that namespaceMust Have
  • If I know the name of a RChain namespace, I can see the blockchain statistics for that namespace.
3Last block mined Display the last block number mined & time it tookMust Have
  •  This would be the block for the namespace that is being explored.
4Network DifficultyDisplay the network difficulty TBD
  • Suspect that this is not relevant with a Proof of Stake Consensus protocol.  There may be another metric that could be used instead?
5Transaction countDisplay the transaction countMust Have
  • Display the total transactions, transactions per block.
6Display mined blocksDisplay block number, Who mined the block, transactions in the block, time to mine the block, and the block reward.Must Have
  • Basically need all the block details that are available.
7Display transactionsDisplay transaction details.  Transaction id, from address, to address, block height, block confirmation count, timestamp, Contract address, description of transaction, Value, Phlogiston used, Phlogiston price, Actual Tx. cost, Input data, output dataMust Have
  • Need all the transaction details made available.

User interaction and design


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Not Doing

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