Integrations test checklist

Integrations test checklist

For an upcoming meeting with Pawel, Michael Birch, and Kent

  •  Simple
    1. Set up a connected network with 3 nodes
    2. Have one node propose a valid block with a hello world contract
    3. Check all 3 nodes have added the block to their block DAG through --show-blocks
  • Not fully connected 1
    1. Set up a not fully connected graph of validators with 30 nodes
    2. Have random nodes generate blocks until 100 blocks have been proposed in total
    3. Check that all 30 nodes have added all 100 blocks to their block DAG through --show-blocks
  • Not fully connected 2
    1. Set up a not fully connected graph of validators with 30 nodes
    2. Have nodes generate block in a round robin fashion until 100 blocks have been proposed in total
    3. Check that all 30 nodes have added all 100 blocks to their block DAG through --show-blocks
  • Invalid block 1
    1. Set up a connected network with 3 nodes
    2. Have one node propose a invalid block with a block size over the limit
    3. Check all 3 nodes have not added the block to their block DAG through --show-blocks

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