Transport layer change to GRPC over TCP
Communication layer uses UDP as transport layer for inter-node communication.
The handshake between nodes is divided into two phases:
- Encryption handshake (public key exchange)
- Protocol handshake (nonce)
The encryption part is provided by an Rchain custom solution. On the other hand the communication pattern between nodes corresponds to request-response cycles. So UPD is not a good choice since this protocol corresponds to a fire-and-forget semantic.
GRPC is a communication protocol based on Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf) over TCP. The implementation for Java provides an HTTP/2 TLS communication out of the box. It's a natural choice for efficient communication based on request-response cycles. On the other hand TLS is a proven and reliable secure communication protocol. Changing
Nodes are identified in the Rchain P2P-network by their public key. Although GRPC is convenient to use, there is quite a hassle to extract the peer public key from the underlying TLS communication. To extract the keys it is required to inject call interceptors on client and server side. A POC implementation can be found here Github: grpc-example. Interceptor excerpts from this repository:
class SslSessionClientCallInterceptor[ReqT, RespT](next: ClientCall[ReqT, RespT]) extends ClientCall[ReqT, RespT] { self => private val logger = Logger(this.getClass) def cancel(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = next.cancel(message, cause) def request(numMessages: Int): Unit = next.request(numMessages) def sendMessage(message: ReqT): Unit = next.sendMessage(message) def halfClose(): Unit = next.halfClose() override def isReady: Boolean = next.isReady override def setMessageCompression(enabled: Boolean): Unit = next.setMessageCompression(enabled) override def getAttributes: Attributes = next.getAttributes def start(responseListener: ClientCall.Listener[RespT], headers: Metadata): Unit = next.start(new InterceptionListener(responseListener), headers) private class InterceptionListener(next: ClientCall.Listener[RespT]) extends ClientCall.Listener[RespT] { override def onClose(status: Status, trailers: Metadata): Unit = next.onClose(status, trailers) override def onReady(): Unit = next.onReady() override def onHeaders(headers: Metadata): Unit = next.onHeaders(headers) override def onMessage(message: RespT): Unit = { message match { case handshake: HandshakeReply => val sslSession: Option[SSLSession] = Option(self.getAttributes.get(Grpc.TRANSPORT_ATTR_SSL_SESSION)) if (sslSession.isEmpty) { logger.error("No SSL Session found in client call") close() } else { sslSession.foreach { session => val pubKey = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(session.getPeerCertificates.head.getPublicKey.getEncoded) if (pubKey == handshake.key) { next.onMessage(message) } else { logger.error("Wrong public key") close() } } } case _ => next.onMessage(message) } } private def close(): Unit = throw Status.UNAUTHENTICATED.withDescription("Wrong public key").asRuntimeException() } }
class SslSessionServerInterceptor() extends ServerInterceptor { private val logger = Logger(this.getClass) def interceptCall[ReqT, RespT]( call: ServerCall[ReqT, RespT], headers: Metadata, next: ServerCallHandler[ReqT, RespT] ): ServerCall.Listener[ReqT] = new InterceptionListener(next.startCall(call, headers), call) private class InterceptionListener[ReqT, RespT](next: ServerCall.Listener[ReqT], call: ServerCall[ReqT, RespT]) extends ServerCall.Listener[ReqT] { override def onHalfClose(): Unit = next.onHalfClose() override def onCancel(): Unit = next.onCancel() override def onComplete(): Unit = next.onComplete() override def onReady(): Unit = next.onReady() override def onMessage(message: ReqT): Unit = { message match { case handshake: HandshakeRequest => val sslSession: Option[SSLSession] = Option(call.getAttributes.get(Grpc.TRANSPORT_ATTR_SSL_SESSION)) if (sslSession.isEmpty) { logger.error("No SSL Session found in server call") close() } else { sslSession.foreach { session => val pubKey = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(session.getPeerCertificates.head.getPublicKey.getEncoded) if (pubKey == handshake.key) { next.onMessage(message) } else { logger.error("Wrong public key") close() } } } case _ => next.onMessage(message) } } private def close(): Unit = throw Status.UNAUTHENTICATED.withDescription("Wrong public key").asRuntimeException() } }
GRPC-Java and secp256k1
Rchain tokens (RHOC) are ERC20 Ethereum based. On the other hand Ethereum uses the Elliptic-curve secp256k1
cryptographic algorithm (ECC) for private/public key creation. During the swap from RHOC to REV (the actual RChain currency) it's desirable that users can keep their public address (private/public keys) and just change the Ethereum address prefix from 0x
the the RChain address prefix.
Node dependencies
In our first attempt we used for TLS encryption a netty library that is statically linked with Google's BoringSSL (netty-tcnative-boringssl-static
). However, it turned out that BoringSSL doesn't support the secp256k1
group of ECC. To run the node with secp256k1
with GRPC-Java it must be used together with Openssl on the host machine. This means, that Openssl must be configured as a dependency in each of the deployment profiles (DEB, RPM, Docker and JAR).