Rholang Sprint 13 Retrospective
Rholang Sprint 13 Retrospective
What did we do well?
- Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Great work debugging the errors. Shout out to the RSpace team for helping out.
- Artur Gajowy: I really enjoyed the work I did last week, and I learned a lot.
- Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Shout out to Mateusz Gorski (Unlicensed) for getting the Cost accounting piece done.
- Mateusz Gorski (Unlicensed): We found and fixed bugs in Rholang. Michael Birch (Unlicensed) - Good job responding to the bugs and fixing them.
What should we have done better?
- Ovidiu Deac: We should come up with a standard for reviewing documents. Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed) - We have updated the review process: Documentation review process
- Artur Gajowy: I saw that Kyle was assigned as a reviewer for my PR. Github has issues with its workflow, assigning is the best way to go.
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