Rholang Sprint 11 Retrospective

Rholang Sprint 11 Retrospective

What did we do well?

What should we have done better?

  • Kyle Butt - should have realized early about duplicated names.
  • Michael Stay (Unlicensed): Should have realized that there is a much simpler way to implement (deprecated) Cross-shard transfers
  • Ovidiu Deac: The Rholang tests could be better, would like to see if the Rholang could run to a specific state.  Would like to have a test framework similar to our unit test frameworks.  He will examine what the Casper team is doing and see what is being written to the protos.  We need both integration and unit tests for all the pieces. It would be good to pull out what is being done in Casper and creating a single harness.


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