Rholang Sprint 3 Retrospective

Rholang Sprint 3 Retrospective

What did we do well?

What should we have done better?

  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): We should have budgeted better for the release.  We had to move the date for the Interpreter out.
  • Michael Stay (Unlicensed): We started out having a disconnect with stakeholders, but then remedied by setting up discussions and addressing the issue quickly.
  • Former user (Deleted): Is there a way that we as developers can put proposals to a vote? Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed) : Not sure that this is the right approach, Kyle Butt - aristrocracy is better, technical people that understand the issue are the ones that have.
    • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Write it down in a meeting agenda, call a meeting,  Capture the decision, put it in a specification & implement.  Reference the meeting notes in the specification so anyone can go and see how the decision was made.

Entry Notes:

Joseph Denman: 

  • All Clear to implement Evaluator loop for Normalizer.  DeBrujin indicies may help.  Let Joe complete Proof of Concept.  Using indicies then you don't need to rename.
  • Free Monad patter and onion pattern are future improvements possible to make it more modular.

Michael Birch 

  • runtime errors never get thrown, but the program halts.   Let's write up a bug.  For language design or in the SDK. 
  • Wants details around how he can verify that the tests ran before he starts writing the tests. 

Kyle Butt:

  • Only True is true, and only false is false, and everything else is a type error.  Runtime Type error.


  • Tuplespace question - Kent to file a ticket and add Henry as a watcher.

Mike Stay

Action Items

  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Update standup times.  New invitations.  
  • Kyle Butt: Create a ticket for native processes in the interpreter for the time being. There isn't any way to have system processes in the system.  Ambient Authority to print on a public name.

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