Rholang Sprint 4 Retrospective

Rholang Sprint 4 Retrospective

What did we do well?

What should we have done better?

  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Did not get a delivery of Interpreter Code.  The ticket was too large, and progress was not tracked properly.  The PR's were right, but wires got crossed in what the perception of what needed to be done shifted.
  • Nash Foster: Get the specification for the component in enough detail such that the work that needed to be done became self-evident.

Entry Notes:

Joseph Denman: 

    Michael Birch 

    Kyle Butt:


    Mike Stay

    Action Items

    • Kyle Butt: Create a ticket for native processes in the interpreter for the time being. There isn't any way to have system processes in the system.  Ambient Authority to print on a public name.