Rholang web - 0.1.1 release plan

Rholang web - 0.1.1 release plan


Document status


Release status


Related pagesRholang


Start date1 Jan 2018
Release from developmentdate
Membership demodate

Development team

Development leadProgram managerProject managerDeveloperDeveloperDevOpsPage owner
Kyle ButtMedha Parlikar (Unlicensed)

Jeremy BuskMedha Parlikar (Unlicensed)


Lucius MeredithCEO - RChain coop
Nash FosterCEO - Pyrofex

Marketing team

Marketing leadEvangelistContent owner
Former user (Deleted)

Release summary

Simple overview

This release provides a mechanism for users to author Rholang smart contracts, compile and run these contracts via a Web interface

Technical overview

Metric for tracking success

Done when:

  • Rholang web sandbox is distributable using a Docker image
  • Tutorial is published with specific examples that appear in the drop down, and Mercury samples do not appear.
  • Users are able to create and save contracts.
  • The branding of the web compiler matches RChain branding (black and red at least)

What is special about this release?

Are we doing something differently? If so, why are we doing it this way?

Before these features were available, what were developers able to do with RChain?

After these features launch, what will developers be able (and not able) to do with RChain?

Description of release packaging

Where do developers go to learn more and get started?

Where will bugs be filed?

Where do developers go for support? What is the SLA? Who is on point?

What license will this be released under?

Launch readiness review

Docker instructions:


The compile-and-run pipeline has been packaged up for use as a web application. This application is also made available via docker, so that individuals may run it locally.

docker run -ti --net host rchain/rholang-web

will cause a web server to listen on port 8000, which a browser can reach at localhost:8000.

Note on ports

It has been reported that the default port of 8000 may not work in all cases. Docker has an on-again-off-again relationship with local networking, having been designed for service-level, cloud computing. To try to alleviate some networking pain, the container accepts a single argument (after the image name) that tells it on which port to listen. For example, using host networking (usually the simplest) and port 80 (the normal port for HTTP traffic):

docker run -ti --net host rchain/rholang-web 80

causes the webserver to look "normal" to a browser, so going to localhost may work.

Another alternative to try, if that fails on your machine, is to use docker's own networking and expose the port

docker run -ti -p 80:80 rchain/rholang-web 80

which has been reported to work better in some cases.

JIRA issues in this release

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

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