Mercury release criteria

Mercury release criteria


About this Document

The RChain blockchain is governed by the RChain CoOperative.   Therefore the decision to launch the network is one that must be made by the CoOperative, in collaboration with its partners, Pyrofex, Reflective Ventures and Pithia.

This document serves to provide the set of criteria that the software must meet in order to be release ready’.


  1. Duration:

    1. The system must meet the below criteria for a period of 4 weeks.  The duration re-starts whenever a defect that meets the Defects criteria (listed below) is patched on the nodes in Scope.  The first duration starts with Feature complete (anticipated to take place once Node 8 is deployed)
  2. Load:

    1. While in test net, an average number of transactions of X must be processed per day for the duration.
  3. Scope:

    1. Shards that are run by the CoOperative (where the CoOp is standing up the validators & deploying contracts on behalf of clients).
  4. Stability:

    1. The test net must remain up, without any interruptions to service for the entire duration.  The system must accept new bonding requests during this time.
  5. Defects:

    1. No ‘Very High’ or ‘High’ bugs can be filed against the Consensus protocol of the system for the duration
    2. No ‘Very High’ or ‘High’ bugs can be filed against the system for security. (This really means ‘any’ - as all security bugs will be treated with high priority)
    3. No ‘Very High’ bugs can be filed against the interpreter.  
  6. Features & Fixes

    1. The system is feature complete.  (If needed, we can add a list of features)
    2. The version of the software that is running for the duration has no more than 2 new pull requests within it.  Those pull requests are bug fixes.
  7. Rev Issuance
    1. The teams supporting the Rev issuance are ready to proceed.  

Definitions of a Very High or High defect:

  • Any issue that causes a consensus failure, or nodes fail to add blocks to the blockchain.
  • Any issue that adversely affects the performance of the network
  • Any issue that breaks ocaps security.
  • Any issue in the code base that causes a node to crash.

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