Sprint 2 Retrospective

Sprint 2 Retrospective

What did we do well?

  • Tickets were updated throughout the sprint.
  • Commitment met!
  • Better job estimating
  • Everyone was working on things they felt fairly comfortable with.

What should we have done better?

  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Helping Alex get unblocked on the Travis Account piece - should have been addressed via tickets directly between Navneet, Mike and Alex.  I didn't need to insert myself into the process. 
    • If you run into an issue with a ticket, assign the ticket to the dev that can unblock you.  If you see a persistent issue, escalate to me.
    • Everyone should be using the watch feature inside of JIRA and Confluence, and then reading their emails.  It's a bit annoying, but important.
  • Code review workflow:
    • We need to decide what our code review workflow is.  As Developers, we should be on the lookout for PR's that need reviewing.  There is little desire to assign a code reviewer.
    • We need to review PR's in a timely manner.  We can't have PR's sitting out there for a few days. 
    • We can add a 'Ready for Review' status in tickets.  Add a swimlane to the sprint board.
    • See the tickets that are ready for review. 
    • See the PR's in GitHub that are ready for review.
    • Michael Stay (Unlicensed): assign your ticket to a reviewer.  If they are overloaded, they will assign the ticket to someone else on the team.
    • Once the review is completed, assign the ticket back to the reviewer.  
  • Timm Schäuble: I think I need to continue working on estimation.  I over estimated one ticket and under-estimated another.


  • Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed): Get the GitHub/JIRA integration done - there are 2 places where the reviewer is recorded now - JIRA and Github.  Goal - only stored in a single location. Alexander Pyatin (Unlicensed) - on the Travis side we may want to do some work with filtering PR's out of the Github views that don't pass Test/Build.  Need to investigate it.