
  • Sprint and Release
    • 2-week sprint ends March 18. Priorities: blockstore functionality, wallet and cost accounting implementation, and public testnet infrastructure
    • RNode v0.8.5 to release week of March 18. RNode-0.8.5 release plan.
  • Mercury requirements and acceptance criteria
  • Testnet status
    • A public test net is not yet available and there is a plan to launch one the week of March 25. Please see RChain public testnet information to learn about the rollout plan for launching the public testnet as well as a FAQ
    • At this time there are no known blockers to the delivery of Testnet-1. 
  • Community testing

Block storage

  • Demo of block storage supporting a node restart.


  • Work in progress to investigate two bugs 1) related to the estimator and 2) creating the UNKNOWN ROOT error.
  • Work planned to implement long-running tests in a new Drone instance and to start development work on a property based test to provide better coverage for the estimator and safety oracle.

Cost accounting

  • Work in progress to implement common cost accounting across different layers of the platform: reducer, spatial matcher, and RSpace match component. Work described in 


  • Collaboration with SRE and Whiteblock teams to support efforts to report data from Whiteblock test infrastructure. 
  • Profiling work completed this week.
  • Investigation of the threading approach for handling Casper-related messages to see if the current approach is best or if we should pursue an optimization.

Test infrastructure and performance testing

  • Testnet support: Work in progress to finish tooling to launch and monitor the testnet. Planning to test this this week. 
  • Testing in Whiteblock: Collaboration in progress to get data out of Whiteblock for analysis and to support operation of tests in Whiteblock to run in CI.
  • Performance testing: Work in progress to develop a contract that best supports measurement of COMM events/second and to establish a benchmark for performance. The goal for Mercury 1.0 is 1,000-1,500 COMM events/second. 


  • Work in progress to deliver the wallet feature. Work described in 

Developer website
