Table of contents


Each week we invite community members to help test RNode.

  • When - Tuesdays at 14:00 UTC
  • Where - This meeting takes place online using Zoom
    • Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
    • Or iPhone one-tap :

          US: +16468769923,,134156866# or +16699006833,,134156866#
    • Or Telephone:

          Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

              US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833

          Meeting ID: 134 156 866

          International numbers available:
  • Additional communications are posted in #node-testing on the RChain Discord.

What you can expect this week

We will be testing the network and blockchain with changes made in the comms layer related to  and  and recent bug fixes.

We will also try to reproduce  and .

Node Operators should expect to attempt a deploy of tut-hello.rho, followed by a block proposal.

Steps for testing

  • Testers will install and run RNode
  • Testers will create a network of peers
  • Several testers will slowly deploy a hello world contract and propose a block
  • Testers will report on the number of blocks received
  • We will watch to see if the number of blocks received syncs and becomes common to all peers on the network.
  • If possible a node will join after some blocks have been proposed, and observe a more efficient mechanism of obtaining historical block data.

Configure your network

See RNode supported network configuration for information on how to configure your network to connect to other nodes.

Installation packages

Please install RNode prior to the start of the testing session. If you have run RNode previously please see  and  for support for resolving issues you may experience preventing the successful running of RNode today.

RNode version for this session

Testing version TBD. Look for an update on Tues., Aug. 14 ~00:00 UTC.

Installation and running instructions

Please see User guide for running RNode for installation and running instructions.

Other requirements

Select a validator key

Deploy command

deploy --from "0x1" --phlo-limit 0 --phlo-price 0 --nonce 0 <path of file to be deployed>

Bootstrap node address

RNode bootstrap addresses. We will confirm which bootstrap will be used for testing on Tues., 8/14 ~00:00 UTC.

Share your experience

You best support the improvement and development of the RChain platform when you file a bug to report challenge you faced or unsuccessful outcomes. This will help us collect all relevant information to better understand your setup and experience. 

Testing session summary

Bugs filed

Chat log
