- Intro to Rholang docs for new users
- clearly define feature list for examples
- Total Functional Sublanguage Specs
- Adding deprecation notes to READMEs where appropriate
- Project and module overview
- Mercury types (Namespace logic); how these will work with LADL types
- Implementation architecture diagram
- Roscala annotation for Rosette artifacts that should go away at some point
- Create Rchain.github.io → regular postings
- README.md per project subdirectory
- Literate programming?
- State how to install and run the project even if it is just one line (e.g. sbt run)
- Link to docs
- Every code file should have a preamble which tells you what you need to know in order to understand the file
- Property based testing?
- Storage docs
- Network protocol docs
- Scaladoc
- sbt-doctest
- Problem documentation
- Namespace ↔ Cross namespace transactions
- ADT vs. RCON
- λTotal (Either sugar/Recognizer)
- Crypto stuff
- Rosette has notion of arrival of messages, so potential for having a continuation or message doesn't read first, i.e. store both continuations & data and poke them when new stuff comes in
- When compiling, how to handle public names vs. private (from you)? Namespace for private names that always get modified @P→ @(P|Q)