What should we have done better?- Mateusz Gorski (Unlicensed): Didn't deliver the secp256k1 - because it wasn't a native library. Hit challenges with the build process, and dependency management in Maven. No easy way around that. Developers before had similar challenges with the library, possibly for the same reason. Likely still be blocked.
- Mateusz Gorski (Unlicensed): Found himself not knowing what to do when setting out to implement Sets. Had a brief discussion with Kyle, and I thought I knew what I needed, and when I dug into the code I discovered I needed more information. There is a lot of knowledge in Kyle's head, and I need the context in the ticket.
- Kyle Butt: This next sprint is fine, but now I'm having difficulty seeing further down the road on what Rholang features need to be completed when. Medha Parlikar (Unlicensed), Michael Stay (Unlicensed) and Kyle Butt to meet and discuss Roadmap for Rholang.