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Kelly Foster 

Former user (Deleted)

Pawel Szulc

Tomáš Virtus

Chris Boscolo

Dominik Zajkowski

Ovidiu Deac

Artur Gajowy

Timm Schäuble

Adam Szkoda

Sebastian Bach

Kayvan Kazeminejad

Łukasz Gołębiewski


Our purpose is to reflect on our work over the past few months (what's working and what's not) and think proactively about changes and how we want to work together going forward.


What went well?

If we could do it again, what would we do differently?


Start doingStop doingKeep doing
  • We should all use the platform as an end-user would do.
  • Deepen Rholang knowledge on the team. "We should all know how to read and write Rholang."
  • We should focus our decision-making for what to do and how to do it with user needs in mind.
  • Use an understanding for how Ethereum works as a framework for 
  • Identify our "architect" team and improve our process for making architecture decisions.
  • Hold one another accountable to estimates.
  • Consider adopting a Kanban approach that would support people picking up tasks relevant to priority and interest. Consider how to do this so that we don't slow down and to ensure we stay on track to deliver and complete work.
  • Do more reconnaissance in the codebase when starting new feature work to proactively look for issues.
  • Adopt a focus "on the plumbing" to prioritize delivery of a minimum viable product before to adding improvements or additional complexity.
  • e.g., Scheduling meetings without a clear agenda
  • Continue to reflect every few months because we benefit from this.

Action items